Parts of a descriptive essay
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Artificial Intelligent Financial Evaluation -Myassifgnmenthelp.Com
Question: Talk About The Artificial Intelligent Financial Evaluation? Answer: Presentation The report depends on breaking down the utilization of computerized reasoning (AI) in chose banking association, The Development Bank of Singapore (DBS). The financial part is investigating of reception of the man-made reasoning into the operational procedures. By appropriation of the man-made brainpower, the banks are robotized their operational procedures which result into decrease of cost and quicker the turnaround time. The Development Bank of Singapore is anticipating overhaul the operational procedures (Moro, Cortez and Rita 2015). DBS is receiving of man-made consciousness so as to mix the computerized banking. The bank is centered around improvement of record framework to such an extent that it can upgrade the money related administrations. Computerized reasoning into DBS bank improves level of banking which give the clients ability to utilize banking administrations. The motivation behind this paper is to investigate the man-made brainpower and advanced development into banking segment which improves the client esteem. The report talks about the item and procedures guide by plotting of the negligible practical item and procedure. It likewise builds up the money saving advantage examination for the man-made reasoning. It examines the transient procedure just as long haul system to dispatch of the MVP (Minimal Viable Product) and afterward approve the item. Systems in chose association The Development Bank of Singapore The diverse transient techniques for propelling MVP and approve items are talked about in the future. It must be reminded that time and cash is the key obstructions shielding one from testing astounding business thoughts. Making a phony brand: The Development Bank of Singapore or DBS must consider their image name. During testing stage, their MVP is should have been furnished with a phony name. This must be engaging enough for resounding with clients (Copeland 2015). Opening for business: DBS must have a marked site. The site should accompany its unmistakable layout and a successful back-end supervisor. This must be immediately made sense of. The bank must module their space URL and logo to new sire. At that point everything like logo and brand name must be set up on various web-based social networking destinations. Loading the racks: DBS must compose inventive help portrayals for their site. This must assistance possible clients to observe each intrigue of their administration. This must likewise incorporate specialized specs (Ahmadi et al. 2014). It is valuable to make up barely any subtleties that must measure the reaction of clients to their likely administrations. Upsetting and separating: The diverse chances to bring the deal to a close ascent as the intended interest group has been attracted through an exceptional advantage. This is introduced by incentive. Fulfillment of an exchange at commonly relies in transit how fruitful the advantages have been in drawing in different customers (Brynjolfsson, Rock and Syverson 2017). Crucial, objectives, targets, systems and strategies The fundamental strategic execute AI at DBS is to create openings with respect to quicker and progressively customized client encounters. This is proposed to recover better experiences and robotization of back-end streams. DBS supports an away from of various idealistic indications of selection and premium significantly under dull financial occupants. Different conversations across media with respect to the rise of AI have been going from robotization and their proficiency to eliminate various positions to the startup acquisitions (Kaznacheev, Samoilova and Kjurchiski 2016). In this manner DBS expects a natural, multichannel and simple to-utilize instrument are boosting client experience and decreasing time. One of the objectives in the current case is namelessness. Since astute calculations go for information pools naturally, engineers never need to by and by get to information, make designs physically and examine that. Further another objective is to discuss proactively with the data required by clients before they call contact focuses (Stobbs, Hunter and Bagaric 2017). Next, a significant goal is the organization. DBS gives labels to disentangle and support budgetary taking care of. Till date, clients gas to label exchanges physically. Nonetheless, AI advances this procedure. For this, the best procedure has been to concentrate on research towards robotized labeling of exchanges. Henceforth, testing different AI choices for making the underlying models is significant strategies. Speculation The distinctive theory incorporates the accompanying. Absence of proficient AI applications utilized by workers and clients at DBS. Absence of advantages in regards to time, exertion and cost decrease. Absence of clear future was giving for AI at DBS. A drawn out technique to dispatch MVP and approve item MVP may mislead DBS to utilize their procedure to start another venture. A methodology in regards to quantitative and quick market testing is should have been restricted and by one way or another deceptive. The principal procedure is legitimate center (Riedl 2016). It is significant in the current situation keeping away from a standard crowd. Setting client consideration in an appropriate manner and getting to an important crowd is the main preliminary. DBS must recall that they are giving a dream of future item and thought of what basic apparatus that has been playing with at present can end up being. Next, DBS must think about moderation. They should attempt to flexibly thoughts proficiently cost with the end goal that clients are prepared to give installment. They should adjust their vision and client desires. During managing each sort of undertakings, DBS must go for the best possible stage for a modest and brisk beginning. Also, they ought to be adaptable and intently cooperate with clients. This would assist with using time over no-benefit thoughts (Bench-Capon 2014). Here one can investigate and see better market needs. At that point the testing ought to be thought of. MVP testing is tied in with seeming well and good whether the gracefully is fathoming clients challenges alongside an availability to pay for that. Aside from this, testing signifies organization assets and market abilities. In conclusion, DBS must comprehend that during the usage of a technique, they should not fizzle. They should submit to some broad ways to deal with get away from various troubled results. They should utilize their instinct. At that point, they should talk about with area specialists (Bostrom and Yudkowsky 2014). Next, they should start with various all inclusive dangers. Crucial, objectives, targets, systems and strategies The principle strategic using AI or AI at banking is to battle against extortion. The innovation is likewise planned to improve consistence. It is preferably suitable for challenges since various calculations for AI searches through huge value-based informational indexes spotting abnormal conduct. The essential vision is to create programming robots that must go about as virtual specialists. They can be prepared for the most part by business clients in a natural manner (Castelli, Manzoni and Popovic 2016). DBS needs to let loose their significant and constrained aptitudes of IT specialists to concentrate on an ever increasing number of key errands. Since innovation keeps on manufacturing huge changes in DBS, is must give the association through shutting and little, interface to flourish their advanced element. This is their essential objective (Makridakis 2017). Further, the goal supporting, for this situation, is that the innovation advancement must shape their industry, workforce and associations. The technique actualized must so that it discovers an incentive inside interruption and afterward extends their job in the lives of clients. The best strategies are that DBS requires downsizing their steadfastness over inheritance center financial frameworks and afterward executing current IT stage. This is to make global gauges alongside related business preparing guidelines accessible. Theory The theory is talked about underneath. DBS plans to utilize AI under intensely manual procedure with respect to money saving advantages, speed productivity and exactness. There are different outside and interior components assisting with raising the client experience and afterward move representative towards greater judgment based and high worth included duties. Item guide and negligible feasible item for man-made brainpower The examination gives a guide to execute the man-made brainpower into the financial division. Simulated intelligence is received into the bank and it has potential so as to drive income, decline into operational expense alongside relief of dangers. DBS puts resources into just as sends of computerized reasoning as it controls the market (Ogwueleka et al. 2015). The MPV of DBS is those items which fulfill the clients and afterward giving of criticism towards future improvement of item. Through the AI items, it devours just as procedures of bigger measures of information. It speeds the effectiveness of the money related administrations and afterward turns out to be progressively proficient. Simulated intelligence items can recognize the cheats by coming up short of the uncommon exchanges. It develops trust and makes a client esteem. The clients are connected to the bank which gives of customized administrations. The banks are basically utilized of AI innovation to utilization of robots as the money related guides, that gives robotized just as calculation based budgetary. The monetary items give better profitability to make the budgetary activities increasingly successful just as productive (Wu, Chen and Olson 2014). The workforces are centered around center financial functionalities and decrease of cost. DBS is an orderly alongside information driven banks which is utilized to measure alongside limiting of the dangers and client assistance, obstructing of fakes, guaging and recognizing the new clients to advertise the new money related administrations (Cavalcante et al. 2016). The financial tasks of DBS are exceptionally information concentrated as they are included int o opening of ledger, accommodation of structures and reports. Issues and combinations of man-made consciousness into chose association Aside from the advantages of artifi
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How to Write Sources in Essay
How to Write Sources in EssayHow to write sources in the essay is very important because it gives the information the writer wishes to give the reader. If you have no idea about how to write sources, read on for a little more insight. Hopefully by the time you have finished reading this article, you will be able to answer the question of how to write sources in the essay.Sources in the essay should be used to create topics. You do not want to try to sum up all the information in your essay by using a source from it. It is far better to use sources to support the topic or to add ideas to the article. The purpose of sources is to help the student relate his or her thoughts to the article.Sources in essay can come from many places. From personal experiences, classroom lectures, and class readings, to internet sources such as blogs and wikis. The list is practically endless.Sources in the essay should not be used to add original research to the essay. Research articles are not that usefu l when it comes to adding new information to the essay.There are a few methods that a student can use when learning how to write sources in the essay. The first method is to use sources from a variety of different places and focus on the content, not the author.Another method is to use sources from different books and write essays with an academic structure instead of writing a story. Finally, if you do not feel like dealing with different sources, use the same sources over again.Now that you have learned about how to write sources in the essay, here are some tips to ensure that your essay turns out well. To make sure that the essay flows well, always make a collage from different parts of the essay or refer back to the original sources in a couple different ways.Finally, to ensure that the essay is easy to read, use hyperlinks and make sure that the data presented is well organized. When you have learned how to write sources in the essay, your essays will flow very well.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Electronic Commerce on Business Expansion
Question: Talk about the Electronic Commerce on Business Expansion. Answer: Presentation: The idea of electronic trade concocted the headway of PCs and the requirement for quick exchange in business. It implies the manners by which selling and purchasing of merchandise and enterprises can occur by utilizing the web (Shaw et al. 2012). At first this idea of electronic business rose up out of an entirely unexpected perspective. The requirement for moving assets starting with one record then onto the next and starting with one bank then onto the next gave the banks the possibility of EFT. These days, electronic trade assumes a noteworthy job in business. The term appeared into the business jargon since 1970s. The significance of this strategy has been depicted all through this report. In todays world, it is difficult to maintain a business at the national level without the utilization of current data innovation and PCs ( Bharadwaj et al. 2013). To break down the significance and effect of web based business in the business world this report has taken up Australias well known online business site named Kogan. At that point this report attempts to discover the manner by which web based business has been utilized in Kogans plan of action. At that point it has been attempted to give some procedure that can help in actualizing electronic medium in the business appropriately (Gettler 2013). Finally the report attempts to discover any way, if conceivable, that may assist the organization with expanding its business outside the domain of Australia and into the worldwide market. Life-cycle stage and its relationship with Kogans business: The normal plan of action features a few phases through which any business goes during its course of activity. The stages are known as life cycle stage (Yakuel 2015). The existence cycle stage incorporates a point by point investigation of the companys development directly from the hour of arranging, consolidation, the underlying phases of development of the sites the phases of extension and furthermore the last stage where the organization sees a decrease in their business either because of different contenders or because of the workers leaving the organization (Xue, Niu and Yu 2015). In this report the three significant phases of life pattern of site in particular the phase of introduction, phases of connection and the phases of web based business has been portrayed completely regarding the picked web based business webpage Kogan. Introduction Stage: The manner by which any organization features their business at the underlying beginning up level is known as presentation in their business. Electronic medium has been the quickest and least expensive path through which an organization may effectively mark its items in the market. The expense of ad in customary strategy is similarly higher than the expense of electronic notice. The expense of distributing a notice in a news paper is higher though the commercial connects just to those individuals perusing that specific every day (Decker and Erasmo 2016). On other hand if notice is done through electronic channels it will contact more individuals as in todays world all the individuals are routinely occupied with some work over the web. Our picked internet business site Kogan was first propelled in the year 2006 by Ruslan Kogan. The organization sells it items straightforwardly to the purchasers with no go-betweens and is currently the main online store of Australia. At present inside a range of just a long time since its dispatch the organization has had the option to provide food and convey for in excess of 3,000,000 items to their shoppers. It has been uncovered in the market since its commencement and subsequently the organization has just crossed its introduction stage in internet business (Wittmann and Reuter 2013). Connection Stage: The phase in business where the individuals or customer gets straightforwardly engaged with association with the organization is connection stage. Under this stage the site isn't utilized for direct exchanging reason however for correspondence reason. A two-way correspondence is built up in this phase between the purchaser and purchaser. Individuals can think about the administration of the organization in subtleties through the companys site (Li and Karahanna 2015). Kogan has prevailing in this phase of business. Through their site individuals gets all around educated about the different help that the organization gives. A look into their site is sufficient for individuals to comprehend that the organization is a retail dealer of pretty much every item that a shopper may require. The landing page itself makes individuals mindful of the various arrangements that are accessible for them. The page titled as Contact Us gives the customer a degree to post any questions and have an immediate connection with the organization. After this connection the organization attempts to grow their business by means of web based business. Phases of E-trade: Web based business is the last stage in business where the real exchange between the purchaser and the dealer happens. Under this stage, the purchaser connects with the dealer by utilizing the web. They place their requests online through the companys site and gets their item conveyed at home. Then again, there is the phase of E-business where the web has been utilized to re-structure and coordinate the business. The two phases, in particular E-Commerce and E-Business are frequently covered and viewed as a solitary stage in the business advertise (Mohapatra 2013). Australias famous web based business organization Kogan has been effectively exchanging the market for about 10 years. They have had the option to utilize the web proficiently in propelling their items and featuring them in their sites. They have partitioned their landing page into a few areas out of which the segment named Shop by Department causes individuals to discover their reasonable items as indicated by their specialization like food supplies, electronic contraptions, dresses to be named as not many. From this area individuals picked their required items and it gets conveyed at their doorstep. Individuals can pay the organization during the conveyance time or in advance by utilizing their cards. In a manner the fluctuated strategy for installment has helped the individuals to buy more merchandise regardless of whether they don't have fluid cash at home. Web based business Strategy and assessment of Kogans online business: The sole motivation behind online business is to exchange products and enterprises by an organization. As indicated by Australian Business information, in the year 2015 the retail deals of Australia surpassed $50 billion. It has been seen that internet business in Australia extraordinarily the versatile trade has been developing by a wide margin by practically 40% per annum. There are a few procedures that an organization must take so as to be effectively maintaining their business by means of online gateway. Hardly any such online business methodologies have been talked about here and the notable retail location Kogans web based business has been dissected on that premise. The couple of steps to web based business marketable strategy are: Strategic: this procedure the organization at first attempts to set an objective for its business. It attempts to comprehend the qualities that the client may provide for the business (Persson, Fridolfsson and Holst 2016). Methodology: The procedure part attempts to arrange the manners by which the organization is going to move in the way of doing the business. Innovation: The different advancements that the organization intends to use to offer support to the individuals is seen through this stage. The organization can utilize messages, sms, online entryways and even portable applications to connect with clients of various age gatherings. Partner: Stakeholders are the accomplices of the organization who encourages them to push forward in the business. They ought to be recognized appropriately for being fruitful in business. Commitment: This piece of the technique causes the organization to modernize their administration as indicated by the need of the client. Audits are taken from the client after they have been presented with various products of their decision (Cavusgil et al. 2014). There are scarcely any more advances that any organization regardless of their commitment in internet business and when all is said in done trade ought to organize and actualize as a piece of their field-tested strategies. These are: Aims and appropriate plan of action, an away from of the targets of the business, a plan of action to meet the destinations, showcasing, the executives of the business and get-together substance, ease access to various innovations and stages and support of the business and making arrangements for future improvement. Likewise there is a need of coordinating the market under one-rooftop so individuals don't have to visit other site for expending some other stuff (Decker and Erasmo 2016). Alongside these couple of different things that falls under the executing systems are keeping up an appropriate stock and supply of items so individuals never face delays in accepting their requests. They ought to be permitted to take care of their tabs in various modes wi th the goal that they never face any obstruction in purchasing items and furthermore they ought to be dealt with appropriately after the buy happens also. Keeping up a legitimate merchandise exchange and a made sure about installment door is completely required for web based business. Based on the measures, Kogans plan of action has been attempted to comprehend. As indicated by Ruslan Kogan, the CEO author of the organization expressed that so as to support in the market there is just a single law and that is to stay in front of the rivals in the market. The strategic the business is to serve the whole Australian with their items and to extend themselves in the worldwide market ( in touch with us/2016). They have effectively utilized the online business systems to grow their business. Their technique is to convey convenient help to clients and keep them cheerful. In doing so they required an appropriate stock. These days, they are improving their administration by utilizing algorithmic strategies and methods through which the entire exchange can be made mechanizing. As per Tess Bennett, individuals are presently progressively hesitant to go through their ends of the week with relatives as opposed to visiting the stores without anyone else. However on other hand they expect quick conveyance administration of their items and Kogan has been effective in such manner (Bennett 2016). Likewise t
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Shakespeares use of the Renaissance Idea of Fatalism and...
Shakespeares use of the Renaissance Idea of Fatalism and Imagery in King Lear In a play about individual tragedies, fatalism plays an important part. Shakespeare effectively uses cosmic imagery to define his characters and to explore the idea of journeys linked to self-discovery by relating it to the imagery of rotating circles. Shakespeare uses Renaissance theology to explain character motivation. In the 16th century there was a great belief in astronomy. People believed in the harmony of the spheres and they were ruled by this idea of thhe natural alignment of the nine planets in their orbits. Shakespeare incorporates this into King Lear in highlighting Edgar and Gloucesters superstitious†¦show more content†¦Edmund turns away from the belief of the alignment of planets and harmonies and towards nature as that is all he can be really sure of. The fact that Edmund doesnt believe in spherical predominance proves that he is different to the society around him. Shakespeare takes every opportunity to emphasise this to distinguish evil from good in the play putting Edmund forward as a character who is out of harmony. When Gloucester predicts that eclipses in the sun and moon suggesting a bad omen, Edmund casts aspersions on this idea, accusing the world of foppery, describing it as excellent because he sees it as a weakness that he can exploit from his anti-human point of view. Edmund is also stating that people are fops or fools because they blame their evil and wrong doings, which is really part of their character our own behaviour, on the cosmos. Even though Edmund does rightly say that that when we are sick in fortune-often surfeits of our own behaviour-we make guilty of our disasters, the sun, the moon and the stars, as if we were villains on necessity, fools by heavenly compulsion (Act I.2.117-26) He declares that men are fools if they evade responsibility for their actions by blaming the stars He ultimately decides that man is what he is by choice, not by the stars and that he is evil. He appreciates no fate, only free will. He says that all cosmic followers
Friday, May 15, 2020
Review of Sylvia Plaths Novel The Bell Jar
Written in the early 1960s, and Sylvia Plaths only full-length prose work, The Bell Jar is an autobiographical novel that relates the childhood longings and descent into madness of Plaths alter-ego, Esther Greenwood. Plath was so concerned about the closeness of her novel to her life that she published it under a pseudonym, Victoria Lucas (just as in the novel Esther plans to publish a novel of her life under a different name). It only appeared under Plaths real name in 1966, three years after she committed suicide. Plot The story relates a year in the life of Esther Greenwood, who seems to have a rosy future in front of her. Having won a competition to guest edit a magazine, she travels to New York. She worries about the fact that she is still a virgin and her encounters with men in New York go badly awry. Esthers time in the city heralds the start of a mental breakdown as she slowly loses interest in all the hopes and dreams. Dropping out of college and staying listlessly at home, her parents decide that something is wrong and take her to a psychiatrist, who refers her to a unit that specializes in shock therapy. Esthers condition spirals even further downwards due to inhumane treatment in the hospital. She finally decides to commit suicide. Her attempt fails, and a rich older lady who was a fan of Esthers writing agrees to pay for treatment in a center that does not believe in shock therapy as a method for treating the ill. Esther slowly starts her road to recovery, but a friend she has made at the hospital isnt so lucky. Joan, a lesbian who had, unbeknownst to Esther, fallen in love with her, commits suicide after her release from the hospital. Esther decides to take control of her life and is once more determined to go to college. However, she knows that the dangerous illness that put her life at risk could strike again at any time. Themes Perhaps the single greatest achievement of Plaths novel is its outright commitment to truthfulness. Despite the fact that the novel has all the power and control of Plaths best poetry, it does not skew or transform her experiences in order to make her illness more or less dramatic. The Bell Jar takes the reader inside the experience of severe mental illness like very few books before or since. When Esther considers suicide, she looks into the mirror and manages to see herself as a completely separate person. She feels disconnected from the world and from herself. Plath refers to these feelings as being trapped inside the bell jar as a symbol for her feelings of alienation. The feeling becomes so strong at one point that she stops functioning, at one point she even refuses to bathe. The bell jar also steals away her happiness. Plath is very careful not to see her illness as the manifestation of outside events. If anything, her dissatisfaction with her life is a manifestation of her illness. Equally, the end of the novel does not pose any easy answers. Esther understands that she is not cured. In fact, she realizes that she might never be cured and that she must always be vigilant against the danger that lies within her own mind. This danger befell Sylvia Plath, not very long after The Bell Jar was published. Plath committed suicide in her home in England. A Critical Study The prose which Plath uses in The Bell Jar does not quite reach the poetic heights of her poetry, particularly her supreme collection Ariel, in which she investigates similar themes. However, this does not mean the novel is not without its own merits. Plath managed to instill a sense of powerful honesty and brevity of expression which anchors the novel to real life. When she chooses literary images to express her themes she cements these images in everyday life. For example, the book opens with an image of the Rosenbergs who were executed by electrocution, an image that is repeated when Esther receives electro-shock treatment. Really, The Bell Jar is a stunning portrayal of a particular time in a persons life and a brave attempt by Sylvia Plath to face her own demons. The novel will be read for generations to come.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Great Depression Roosevelt s New Deal, Federal Loan...
The Great Depression was the longest and deepest depression in American history. It started in 1929 and ended in 1939 (Szostak). The reasoning for this would be: Stock market crash, bank failures, reduction in purchasing across the board, American economic policy with Europe, and lastly drought conditions. All were Jurassic conditions that led America into this horrid depression (Kelly). The government however came up with certain acts and programs to help get us out of this depression. The government programs that helped Americans during the Great Depression were Roosevelt’s New Deal, Federal Loan Act, and the Agricultural Marketing Act. Roosevelt’s New Deal was a major part in helping end this depression. It was a multitude of acts that were passed, such as: Securities and Exchange Commission, Civil Conversation Crops, Works Progress Administration, National Recovery Administration, Federal Emergency Relief Agency, Agricultural Adjustment Act, Homeowners Loan Corporat ion, Tennessee Valley Authority, National Labor Relations Act, Social Security Administration, Soil Conversation Act, Fair Labor Standard Act (Great D., New Deal). Although there is a lot of acts that were passed, there are some that were more important than others. One being the Civil Conservation Crops Vass 8 (CCC) which gave those who did have a job, work. By building bridges, cleaning up campsites, making fire trails, and to construct dams. Putting over 2 million men to work (WPA). The Federal EmergencyShow MoreRelatedGreat Depression and Its Causes1256 Words  | 6 PagesThe causes of the Great Depression of the 1920s and 1930s has been argued about for generations. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Story of Noahs Ark Essay Example For Students
The Story of Noahs Ark Essay In Judeo-Christian mythology, one of the best recognized stories from the Old Testament is the story of Noah and the Ark, and how they survived Gods great flood. This story is a common one throughout many mid-east cultures, both past and present. The most notable of these is in the ancient Mesopotamian mythology, with the story of Utnapishtim and his story of survival of the gods wrath. Though both are telling what is assumed to be a tale of the same event, there are many similarities as well as differences in certain details of the story. Although some of these differing aspects are for the most part, fairly trivial, some of them are quite drastic from one version to the other. The source of the myth in the two cultures is quite different, as well as the way the story narrated. In the case of the ancient Mesopotamian version of the myth, it is found in The Epic of Gilgamesh. It is told to Gilgamesh by Utnapishtim when Gilgamesh encounters him while on his quest for the plant of ever lasting life. Here we have a first hand account of the flood, by one of the sole survivors of the flood, the tale itself is found in an epic of a great king, which wasnt exactly revered as a sacred book in the Mesopotamian culture, but was still treated with a great deal of respect. This is quite from the ancient Hebrew account of the flood. In the Old Testament, it is presumably Moses who is telling the story of Noah in the book of Genesis. In this case, we have a second hand account of the story, found in what is considered to be a sacred piece of scripture, as written by one of the most important figures of the religion. The reason that man was to be exterminated from the face of the earth is also different in both myths. In the Mesopotamian version of the story, man was becoming an inconvenience for the gods he was so loud due to his numbers that he was keeping the gods up at night. Because man was causing this disruption, Enlil approaches the other gods and they agree to get ri d of man by way of a great flood, so that they may sleep at night once again. Utnapishtim is warned by Ea through a dream, and is instructed with a rough guide to the dimensions, to build a great barque for himself and his family, animals, craftsmen, and all of Utnapishtims belongings. This is an extreme contrast to what is found in the Hebrew version. In that account, man was becoming too evil for God to bear, and so it was decided by God that due to his wickedness, he should be wiped off the earth. In this case, man was not an inconvenience, he was just not in favour with God. Noah was the only one out of all of man who was still in Gods favour. So God came to Noah and told him to also build a barque, also with the exact dimensions given, and instructed Noah to bring on board his family, their families, and two, a male and female, of all the animals of the world. However, there is no mention of this news of a flood coming to Noah in a dream, nor of him being permitted to bring wit h him any other humans besides his immediate family, and their wives. Also, the amount of detail regarding the dimensions of the barque is quite different. In the Biblical story, the dimensions are very explicit, with length, width, and height given. However, in the Mesopotamian story, the dimensions are not as precise, giving only a rough guide as to what the boat should look like. The final warning before the flood is different in each version also. In the Hebrew account of the flood, once Noah has completed the construction of the Ark, God tells him to go out and collect a male and its mate from every type of animal and bird, and that in seven days, he shall bring forth the floodwaters and destroy man. In the Mesopotamian version of this aspect, there is not as much of an advanced warning given. Shamash comes to Utnapishtim and says that when the Rider of the Storm arrives that evening, to enter the barque and batten it down. Though in both stories, the hero is given some advance d warning as to when the flood will begin, in the Mesopotamian version Utnapishtim is not given as great of a length of time as Noah was able to enjoy to get everything loaded aboard. The duration of the flood is different between the two versions also. In the Mesopotamian account, the flood is said to have began in the morning after the arrival of the Rider of the Storm, and lasted for six days and six nights. It also states that the assistance of the gods of the Underworld was enlisted to help bring down the dykes and release the waters of the flood.Utnapishtim says to Gilgamesh that the flood was so dreadful that even the gods of the heavens were in fear of what the gods of the Underworld were doing, and that they retreated to the highest level of the heavens, that occupied by Anu. In the Hebrew description of the actual flood itself, it was said that it lasted forty days and forty nights, not the single week as was stated in the Mesopotamian account. It was also Gods wrath that man was suffering, and the creatures of the Underworld were in no way involved in this destruction of man, as man had brought this upon himself with his own wickedness. In the Mesopotamian myth, on the seventh day of the flood, the rain stopped and the water grew calm. Utnapishtim looked around for land, and saw the summit of the Mountain of Nisir. Utnapishtim then set the boat aground on the top of the mountain and there it sat for a week before Utnapishtim began to see if the earth had dried off yet. First he let a dove loose to see if the water had receded yet, but it returned when it had nowhere to land. Utnapishtim then let a swallow loose, but to no avail, as it too returned. He then let a raven loose. The raven saw that the water had since retreated, found something to eat, flew around, cawed, and then did not return. In the Hebrew story, Noah first set out a raven, which flew around until the waters had dried up. Noah then let a dove loose, but it returned because it had now here to land. Noah then waited seven days to release the dove again. This time it came back with an olive leaf. Noah waited seven more days, and released the dove a third time. This time it did not return, for it had found somewhere to go as the water had since dried up. The only noticeable difference between these two aspects of the story, would be the birds used and the length of time required for the waters of the flood to recede to a point at which man is able to again walk on dry land.The last point regarding the two stories is that of the sacrifice to God or the gods after the floodwaters had retreated to a point that man was able to return to the land. In the Mesopotamian account of the myth, Utnapishtim made a sacrifice to the gods on top of the Mountain of Nisir, after he let the animals and others free from the barque. All the gods were able to smell the sacrifice, and came to it. Ishtar was also able to smell the sacrifice and came to it. She then says that she will not f orget these days of the flood, and instructed the other gods to remember it also.She then told all the gods except Enlil to gather around it. Enlil was excluded from the sacrifice by Ishtar because he brought about the flood and destroyed man. Enlil, however, came and saw the sacrifice, and was filled with anger that man had survived. Ea then stands up to Enlil on behalf of Utnapishtim, and asks how Enlil could have brought about such destruction on to man. Ea then leaves Utnapishtim to the mercy of Enlil. Enlil takes Utnapishtim and his wife, blesses them, giving them longevity and places them at the mouth of the rivers to live. In the Hebrew version of this last aspect of the story of the flood, Noah lets all the animals off of the Ark, and then he makes a sacrifice to God, just as Utnapishtim did. God smelled this sacrifice and came to it. God blessed Noah, his family, and all the animals and birds, and told them to be fruitful and multiply in number. God then established a coven ant with Noah, saying that he shall never again curse the earth again with such a flood. As a sign of his intentions, God set a rainbow in the clouds, and said to Noah that when ever he brings clouds over the earth again, he will see the rainbow and remember his covenant with Noah. This is not much different from the Mesopotamian myth. In both cases the gods or God said that they would remember the flood, and Utnapishtim or Noah, which ever the case may be was blessed. In the Mesopotamian myth however, there is no mention of a covenant with the land or Utnapishtim to never curse the earth in such a manner again.Though both of these stories are telling a tale of what was no doubt, the same event, there are many discrepancies between the two. From details surrounding the structure of the barque, to the actual length of the flood itself, there are many differences between the two accounts. At the same time however, there are many similarities between the myths. The fact that both said that a bird was the way which the respective hero was able to tell whether or not the waters had receded, and the fact that both tales say that the gods or God would remember the flood are examples of this. The truth of the matter is that, regardless of whether or not there are discrepancies between the two tales, the fact that both are describing the same occurance is truly remarkable and definitely says something about the cataclysmic impact which this event must have had on the ancient world. .u6220fa543effb3c9e87c33c6ef7e7b2d , .u6220fa543effb3c9e87c33c6ef7e7b2d .postImageUrl , .u6220fa543effb3c9e87c33c6ef7e7b2d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6220fa543effb3c9e87c33c6ef7e7b2d , .u6220fa543effb3c9e87c33c6ef7e7b2d:hover , .u6220fa543effb3c9e87c33c6ef7e7b2d:visited , .u6220fa543effb3c9e87c33c6ef7e7b2d:active { border:0!important; } .u6220fa543effb3c9e87c33c6ef7e7b2d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6220fa543effb3c9e87c33c6ef7e7b2d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6220fa543effb3c9e87c33c6ef7e7b2d:active , .u6220fa543effb3c9e87c33c6ef7e7b2d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6220fa543effb3c9e87c33c6ef7e7b2d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6220fa543effb3c9e87c33c6ef7e7b2d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6220fa543effb3c9e87c33c6ef7e7b2d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6220fa543effb3c9e87c33c6ef7e7b2d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6220fa543effb3c9e87c33c6ef7e7b2d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6220fa543effb3c9e87c33c6ef7e7b2d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6220fa543effb3c9e87c33c6ef7e7b2d .u6220fa543effb3c9e87c33c6ef7e7b2d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6220fa543effb3c9e87c33c6ef7e7b2d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Cultural Diversity Essay
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