Monday, September 30, 2019

Two Business A2 Level Critical Path Analysis Questions

Q1) Discuss the benefits to Balfour Beatty of using critical path analysis in order to plan its construction projects. (15 marks) Critical path analysis identifies the most efficient and cost effective way of completing a complex project. The various activities which together will make up the project are identified, and the order of these activities are identified. Then, the duration of each activity is estimated and these factors are then arranged as a network or graph, showing the whole project from start to finish, and showing which tasks can happen at the same time.The sequence of tasks which have to be done one after another with no gaps in between is called the Critical Path. One benefit of Critical Path analysis to Balfour Beatty is that it always finds the shortest time possible for completing a complex project. â€Å"The customer requested completion in 124 weeks but through careful planning using Critical Path Analysis, Balfour Beatty was able to plan the project for compl etion in 79 weeks. This can give a competitive edge and is an important element of time-based management. If a company is able to complete the task faster than others, it is more likely that they will get chosen, providing the company with more customers, more revenue and therefore more profit. A second benefit of Critical Path Analysis to Balfour Beatty is that it allows managers to operate Just-in-time production. Resources such as raw materials, labour and equipment can be employed right at the earliest start time.Construction companies rely on subcontractors to complete certain tasks and for certain equipment to be hired at specific times, so with Critical Path Analysis, a manager could predict the exact time a certain piece of equipment would be needed and book the particular equipment early on to ensure that the company will have it when needed. This saves on the storage costs and opportunity costs of stock holding, and improves liquidity.Overall, I believe that Critical Path Analysis is a very recommended way of managing time, and will ensure that a Balfour Beatty will use their time in the most productive way possible when using this network, improving efficiency and making customers want to use them again. Q2) Evaluate the main difficulties faced by Balfour Beatty and other construction companies in their use of CPA to plan their projects. (15 marks) Critical path analysis identifies the most efficient and cost effective way of completing a complex project.The various activities which together will make up the project are identified, and the order of these activities are identified. Then, the duration of each activity is estimated and these factors are then arranged as a network or graph, showing the whole project from start to finish, and showing which tasks can happen at the same time. The sequence of tasks which have to be done one after another with no gaps in between is called the Critical Path. One difficulty of using Critical Path Analysis is t hat unless critical activities are identified and supervised closely, there’ll be delays to the whole project.Critical path analysis puts pressure on mangers to manage effectively and meet deadlines. If, for example, Balfour Beatty was unable to get hold of a particular piece of equipment when needed, the whole project could be delayed by the amount of time that it takes to get the equipment. This means that there will be many employees being paid with no output and the whole project is delayed with doesn’t usually bode well with the customer. A second difficulty of using Critical Path Analysis is that Critical path analysis sets tight deadlines, especially for critical activities.It can be very tempting for the employees to cut corners in order to meet these deadlines, but that can mean quality can suffer. If Balfour Beatty’s employees cut corners with the Bull ring shopping centre, this could mean that the construction was not done properly, causing risks to p ersons entering the shopping centre, or the planning of the bull ring centre may have been rushed, meaning that the layout was not thought out properly, causing problems when it came to construction. Critical Path Analysis puts a lot of pressure on all employees, which could in turn affect the whole project.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Organic vs Non Organic Foods Essay

It’s hard to walk into a grocery store and not notice a certain new kind of trend. There is a growing urge to have more organic items on shelves. The general belief is that organic items tend to be better for the consumer and the environment when compared to non-organic items. Although many people cant tell the difference, there are multiple pros and cons between organic and nonorganic. In terms of consumer health, both organic and processed foods have their benefits. The benefits of processed foods are that scientists can place additives that increase the nutritional value. According to Dr. Mehmet Oz (2010), this helps to â€Å"prevent neural-tube defects and certain childhood cancers, boost brain development and may increase intelligence, and reduce the incidence of rickets. † This means that theres nutrients that can be added to aid in helping the country with disease prevention. Organic foods lack the ability to be genetically modified but offer their own benefits as well. According to Maria Rodale (2010), some organically grown foods have â€Å" more conjugated linleic acid, which is a powerful cancer-fighting nutrient. † Both these types of food can help consumers healthy and prevent disease. There are some alarming differences between organic and processed foods especially when considering agriculture. â€Å"Organic† means that a food is grown without the aid of pesticides or fertilizers. Organic farmers use manure and nothing else to grow fruits, vegetables, and grains. It says in The Organic Myth that this can lead to some bad cases of E. Coli that wouldn’t be present in foods grown with pesticides since there are all sorts of bacteria in the manure (2004). The reverse is that without all those chemicals being sprayed on crops, you tend to have less pollution. Rodale states, â€Å"Growing foods organically prevents thousands of toxic chemicals from entering the environment and poisoning our soil, our wells, our wildlife, our children and ourselves† (2010). Organic goods also tend to cost more leading to them being classified as a luxury item. The downside is that most cattle and genetically altered crops have â€Å"unwanted additives like growth hormone and chemicals† (Oz 2010). It’s hard to know whether it’s worth the money to go organic or just stick with the usual. Foods grown without the aids of pesticides seem to be beneficial to the consumer and the environment, which is a big selling point for those who want to go green. On the other hand they are much more costly than non-organic crops. Many people would rather risk the potentially harmful additives to shave a few bucks of the price. It all depends on preference and beliefs but its definitely easy to see where they offer there own pros and cons. Miller, M. (2004). The Organic Myth. National Review, 56(2), 35-37. Oz, M. (2010). The Organic Alternative. Time, 176(9), 46-46. Rodale, M. (2010). 15 WAYS TO CHANGE THE WORLD (and your life)†¦ ONE APPLE AT A TIME. Men’s Health (10544836), 25(3), 113-138.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Elizabeth Poor Laws

The Last Years of the Poor Law During the interwar period the Poor Law served as a residual safety net, assisting those who fell through the cracks of the existing social insurance policies. The high unemployment of 1921-38 led to a sharp increase in numbers on relief. The official count of relief recipients rose from 748,000 in 1914 to 1,449,000 in 1922; the number relieved averaged 1,379,800 from 1922 to 1938. A large share of those on relief were unemployed workers and their dependents, especially in 1922-26.Despite the extension of unemployment insurance in 1920 to virtually all workers except the self-employed and those in agriculture or domestic service, there still were large numbers who either did not qualify for unemployment benefits or who had exhausted their benefits, and many of them turned to the Poor Law for assistance. The vast majority were given outdoor relief; from 1921 to 1923 the number of outdoor relief recipients increased by 1,051,000 while the number receiving indoor relieve increased by 21,000. The Poor Law becomes redundant and is repealedDespite the important role played by poor relief during the interwar period, the government continued to adopt policies, which bypassed the Poor Law and left it â€Å"to die by attrition and surgical removals of essential organs† (Lees 1998). The Local Government Act of 1929 abolished the Poor Law unions, and transferred the administration of poor relief to the counties and county boroughs. In 1934 the responsibility for assisting those unemployed who were outside the unemployment insurance system was transferred from the Poor Law to the Unemployment Assistance Board.Finally, from 1945 to 1948, Parliament adopted a series of laws that together formed the basis for the welfare state, and made the Poor Law redundant. The National Assistance Act of 1948 officially repealed all existing Poor Law legislation, and replaced the Poor Law with the National Assistance Board to act as a residual relief ag ency. In what way might the legacy of the 1834, poor Law be seen in contemporary welfare policy? This essay will endeavour to highlight the    advantages/disadvantages, and how the welfare state treats individual members of the community differently .The historically changing conceptualization of the welfare state and its provision of social services the individuals democratic right to access the state provided benefits, are looked at in their historically and geographically changing existing structure. Conflicting conservative, liberal and socialist methods to the view of individual vs. collective responsibility are considered in the context of rival welfare state arrangements. The Poor Law was established and put into motion in 1601 during the time of Elizabeth I. The aims of the poor law, according to Golding and Middleton were work, discipline, deterrence and classification.The poor law was the most important policy development dealing with poverty up until the end of the nine teenth century and it was a development, which main objective was upon control and deterrence. The Poor Law of 1601 lasted for over two centuries, but it was inefficient. Governments did not have the control, means or organisation to deal with poverty effectively. Poverty was a regional and national problem, and yet each local parish was left to deal with it individually The Poor Law cannot be seen just as a vehicle used to preserve life of those who could not feed, clothe or house themselves.Rather it should be seen as a part of the social response of a society that was moving from a wholly agricultural and village based society towards an industrialised and largely urban society. What is the legacy?†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. the welfare state of to day with social benefits for all and free medical help also education    no one needs to starve in Britain. The idears of the older poor laws can be seen in to days welfare state as an extension of these poor laws through more recent governments .. (2011, 01).In What Way Might the Legacy of the 1834, Poor Law Be Seen in Contemporary Welfare Policy?. StudyMode. com. Retrieved 01, 2011, from http://www. studymode. com/essays/In-What-Way-Might-The-Legacy-549882. html Modern welfare state development is generally considered to lead to social security or benefits payments, social housing provision, health provision, social work and educational services. Together these services are known as the ‘big five' but these services tend to develop over time and have differed in quantity, availability and quality.Provision and development can change due to social, economic and political factors (Spicker, 1995, p. 3). State provision of welfare has a long history, in Britain for instance dating back to the Elizabethan Poor Laws and earlier. Welfare states started to develop when surveys of poverty by people such as Charles Booth showed the inadequacy of welfare provisions that could not deal with poverty particularly with increasing urbanisation and industrialisation (Thane, 1996, p. 7). The worldwide depression from 1929 would lead countries to consider further welfare developments.High unemployment (12% of the working population in Britain at its worst) showed that better welfare provision was needed (Robbins, 1994, p. 208). From such modest roots the public sector in Britain for example represents around 40 % of the economy (Simpson, 2005, p. 4). There are various key theories that seek to explain the processes involved in welfare state development that will be explained below. The theories have evolved or being devised to explain the differences and similarities in welfare state development in different countries at the same time or in a single country over a period of time.Theories agree that welfare states were developed to serve those that needed help the most or sometimes as universal services to all (O'Brien and Penna, 1998, p. 2). After the main theories have been discussed the one or ones that are mo st applicable for evaluating contemporary changes will be outlined. There are different ways of looking at the development of the welfare state and deciding how far it should extend, demands. (2013, 01). Welfare State. StudyMode. com. Retrieved 01, 2013, from http://www. studymode. com/essays/Welfare-State-1342080. html

Friday, September 27, 2019

Assess the role of the United States in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Has Essay

Assess the role of the United States in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Has it been a blessing A curse A mixed-bag What, if anything, should change - Essay Example This was supposed to build on the positive steps towards peace of the earlier 1978 Camp David Accords where President Jimmy Carter was able to broker a peace agreement between Egypt and Israel. The Oslo Accords of 1993 between the later assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestine Liberation Organization Chairman Yasser Arafat had provided that agreement should be reached on all outstanding issues between the Palestinians and Israeli sides within five years of the implementation of Palestinian autonomy. However, the interim process put in place under Oslo had fulfilled neither Israeli nor Palestinian expectations, and Arafat argued that the summit was premature. But the Americans decided to strongly involve themselves in this process. On July 11, the Camp David 2000 Summit convened, but it ended without an agreement. Everyone said they would continue negotiating, but the impetus was lost. The second intifada changed things, and made the Americans less wary of engaging. President Busy was a lot less interested in the Arab-Israeli conflict that President Clinton. This is more evidence of the sometimes fickle nature of the American government actions in the region. What this conflict needs is sustained attention; it has not received this. Clinton, who promised Arafat that no one would be blamed if the talks failed, did, in fact, blame Arafat after the failure of the talks, stating, "I regret that in 2000 Arafat missed the opportunity to bring that nation into being and pray for the day when the dreams of the Palestinian people for a state and a better life will be realized in a just and lasting peace." The failure to come to an agreement was widely attributed to Yasser Arafat, as he walked away from the table without making a concrete counter-offer and because Arafat did little to quell the series of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Architecture, Design, and Public Space of Country Music Clubs across Thesis

Architecture, Design, and Public Space of Country Music Clubs across America - Thesis Example The architecture of the country music clubs become a space that reflects the identity of those interested in the music as well as the depiction which is related to the concepts portrayed in the music. When examining the history, relevance to social identity and the fabrication of country music, it can be seen that the architecture and ideology of the genre is a direct reflection of the identity of what is now known as the country scene. History of Country Music The beginning of country music was first seen in the Deep South and was associated with the Southern culture, specifically among slaves. This derived from the folk songs which many slaves sang while on the plantations, specifically which were used with the understanding that one could overcome the difficult times and problems which persisted in the situation which most were in. The slave songs which were created led to the blues and jazz music, pieces of music which were known specifically among the African – American p opulation and which were based on the hardships of living in the south. Country music was a spin – off of the blues, specifically which came from the musical techniques that were used and the arrangements of the songs. It was also found that elements of blue grass and folk were incorporated into the sound, specifically which came from individuals living in the high country of the South and which were building a life from the land. More importantly, the country music depicted the same concept of hardships that were associated with the blues and with the country living in the South (Ellison, 12). By 1923, the concept of country music began to evolve in the south, mostly with the evolution of the blues music. Atlanta, Louisville, Texas and other southern areas began to use the music for barn dances and entertainment. This stretched to Chicago and to New York City with the same ideology. When the Great Depression began, many began to focus on the concept of country music, specifi cally because of its relationship to overcoming hardships needed at the time. From this, the concept of country music became commercialized with barn dances, entertainment and with radio recordings of musicians who reflected overcoming the difficulties of the time. By the 1940s, areas such as Kentucky and Tennessee took these ideas and changed it into a popular genre to depict country living and styles which related to blues, bluegrass music, folk music and earlier entertainment o the time. These traditions led into country music being a part of the southern culture and depicting the lifestyle through the 1960s (Ellison, 15). The concept of country music evolved through the 1960s with the other types of music which were a part of the time. The commercialization during this time led to new sounds that were depicted, specifically which combined the electronic instruments of the time frame, rock arrangements which were popular throughout America and the combined musical progressions of blues and jazz. During this time, the Country Music Foundation also became a part of the history, specifically which was associated with finding ways to popularize the music and to give musicians opportunities for performances and recordings. This led the country music style through the current day and to those interested in the specific sounds of the music. The depictions from other forms of music is based on the musical

Public Policy TrendsWK5 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Public Policy TrendsWK5 - Research Paper Example DOT agencies dealing with the given transport system created will hence try to oversee the project so as to ensure transparency (2012). This concept entails project management of projects they have been assigned to work on (DOT, 2012). It is the responsibility of DOT to ensure projects are carried to the later to ensure they meet the satisfaction of the state administrators and county managers since they represent the interests of the people in that given state or county (DOT, 2012). In addition, DOT often works together with state administrators to come up with long term beneficial plans for the given state (DOT, 2012). The planning of a better transport system is a function of DOT and collaborates with state administrators so as to ensure their projects are their success (DOT, 2012). In matters of development that entails transportation, it is up to state administrators to consult with DOT in order to come up with plans that may suit their needs (DOT, 2012). For any planning process to be successful, information about the given state has to be collected and evaluated (DOT, 2012). This can only be possible with the help of county managers or state administrators (DOT, 2012). Since the main function of DOT is to provide quality transport systems to the people, they have to work conjointly with state administrators to ensure the dreams of the people are met (DOT, 2012). It is the state administrators or the county managers that represent the needs of the people, while the DOT carries out instructions regarding development conveyed to it by the state administrators (DOT, 2012). The DOT also advises state administrators on various changes transportation needs to be improved (2012). It is then up to state administrators to initiate policies that advance transportation area (DOT, 2012). For instance, DOT might notice a gap on the basis of a need of building a new road or run way in

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Wide realist definitions of state and anarchy Essay

Wide realist definitions of state and anarchy - Essay Example The major question therefore is: how do the arising conflicts get resolved? In addressing this question, the realists have defined the state as a sovereign entity that has no competing governmental authority over it, which can enforce promises or protect the country against aggression by other countries. Thus, the concept of realists in relation to State is that as a sovereign entity, it is upon the state to decide how it will deal with both internal and external problems. Further, the realist concept observes that a state exists in a ‘state of nature’, where like humans, states are existing on their own, and must work out how to live with each other in the international arena, since the states as collective entities do not have any higher authority over them, for example, a world government that can restrain them, a condition known as ‘anarchy’ (Adem, 2000, p.12). Therefore, the realist concept of 'state' and 'anarchy' is that a condition of war between nat ions is permanent and expected since, as opposed to internal feuds between different groups within a state which can be restrained by a civil government of the state, there lacks any global institution or government with the ability to restrain the aggression of one country against another, resulting in a situation where states are the most important and unitary actors in the world politics, and thus anarchy reigns supreme in international relations.... The state of nature dictates that human nature is not kind, but rather self-centred and egoistic (Hopf, 1998, p.172). This being the case, even the wisest attempt to end the conflicting world systems will not be able to work out any solutions, and thus nations must always be prepared for wars. This is the same aspect that has been demonstrated by history, that increasing military strength, if not superiority, has been the constant attempt for all nations in the world (Mearsheimer, 1990, p.7) In the light of this, the realist concepts of 'state' and 'anarchy' is that it is only military might that can win wars, and as such, the realists fundamental principle is the maximization of state security, through build-up of military might, which is the only way through which a state can be able to avert any threatens of international aggression on its sovereignty and territorial integrity, due to the lack of any legitimate world government that can exert control over states, and thus restrain foreign aggression of a state against another (Adem, 2000, p.17). Power is in the core of realist concepts of 'state' and 'anarchy', where in the international systems, states are always striving to ensure that their security is guaranteed and protected, as they embark on competing for resources and power (Ashworth, 2002, p.37). Thus, according to realists, states are rational actors in the global sphere, where they are engaged in rational calculation of their interests, which then becomes the basis upon which the states interact with others, on the international scene. National security remains the overriding interest and concerns of the states,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Commentary (Economics HL) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Commentary (Economics HL) - Essay Example Sustainable consumption is what we deal with in this paper through an article. The selected article, â€Å"Towards Sustainable Household Consumption?† published by OECD in 2002 deals with the issue of sustainable consumption in OECD countries. It basically explains the trends and patterns of household consumption in OECD countries, the driving forces behind those trends and patterns, environmental impacts of household consumption patterns, different kinds of policies that could be taken for achieving sustainable consumption in OECD countries. For the current purpose, the focus is being placed on that portion of the article where it precisely explains the observable trends and patterns in the household consumption level in OECD countries, the driving forces or factors that shape those trends and patterns in the consumption level. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of household consumption patterns, particularly for the consumption of food, tourism related travel, energy, and water in OECD countries. As discussed in the article, there has been a steady increase in per capita private consumption over the last few decades, particularly in 1980s, and 1990s as suggested by the article. The per capita private consumption level has also been projected to follow the same trend up to 2020. As far as transport is considered, total motor vehicle stocks, motor vehicle kilometers, total global air traveling has all experienced significant growth and are projected to grow by huge amount in coming years. In case of food consu mption, the choice of diet and food habits have been going through various changes, e.g. there has been a shift towards consumption of more and more packaged and processed food. The OECD countries have also experienced significant increase in the use of energy. As shown in the article, in the period of 1973- 1995, the

Monday, September 23, 2019

SWOT analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

SWOT analysis - Case Study Example It offers 24/7 services to the customers and its services are designed to satisfy the needs and interests of the targeted customers. The company is also comprised of skilled and experienced leaders who can successfully steer it towards growth and development. The company capitalises on entrepreneurial leadership styles of its leaders who are capable of anticipating changes that may take place in the environment in which it is operating. The other strength of the company is that it has a flat organisational structure that helps it to promote efficient communication among the stakeholders. This helps it to remain flexible and reliable in the services it offers to different customers. A close analysis of the case study of Zipcar shows that it has more strengths and opportunities compared to threats and weaknesses. This gives the company a competitive advantage since it has more chances for growth and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Tma Essay Example for Free

Tma Essay People, being naturally inquisitive, have often been referred to as scientists. Even as young children, people are constantly testing and evaluating the boundaries to decipher their own social environment and quickly recognise what is acceptable and what is not. This soon evolves into intuition and whether it is constructed in a logical and rational way depends on a number factors. However, when considering cognitive psychology and the information processing that underpins judgements and risks, peoples cognitive processes are often likened to computers in the way that these processes interact. This essay begins by looking at Fritz Heider (1944, as cited in Buchanan et al. , p. 60) an influential psychologist in this area who coined the phrase naive psychology. It then progresses onto the advantages and disadvantages of the attribution theories using Kelleys covariation method and MacArthurs vignettes to test the theory. This is followed by looking into optimistic bias and whether this bias can prevent people from constructing rational and logical theories when making sense of their social environment. Finally, the essay evaluates the HIV/AIDs and smoking progression and how people can conceptualise risk, resulting in laying blame elsewhere other than in their social group. Heider was one of the first psychologists to study in detail social cognition. He believed that delving into how people made sense of their social environments was fundamental in understanding social behaviours, he believed people actively built models of cause and effect to find predictability and regularity which would help control their lives, operating like naive psychologists. Heider also believed people used this method when people perceive others and their actions. He constructed a study using animated cartoons of moving shapes consisting of a circle, a box and a rectangle. When asked to describe what they saw, all but one of the participants described the shapes movement in terms of human action. The fact that these people were perceiving these shapes automatically to be people goes some way to provide support for Heiders theory and prove that people are certainly trying to make sense of their social environment. However this, albeit simple use of experimental social psychology, has a few limitations. As this was a simplified experiment and disimilar to what would happen in a real social environment, Heider was not able to prove that the results would be the same outside in real life. In fact, often results obtained outside of the laboratory conclude opposite results to that of the laboratory. There is also a possibility that the participants, upon hearing that they would be attending a psychological experiment, subconciously associated psychology with people or themselves and their answers reflected this. In an experimental condition there will always be confounding variables no matter what measures are taken to eliminate them, it is certainly difficult to take research on perception and attention out of everyday life and into a controlled experiment. In a social environment because people are not manufacturing social situations, people see them as they are, this could put them in good stead to construct rational and logical theories on their environment. What Heiders theory lacks is specific procedures and data. Harold Kelley (1967, as cited in Buchanan et al. , p. 2) who developed the covariation model, used testable predictions and data in his attribution theory. The attribution theories suggest people distinguish between external/disposition factors and internal/disposition factors to recognise the causes of social behaviour. Kelley proposed that when people use information in causal reasoning, three variables are decided upon, distinctiveness, consensus and consistency, this was known as the covariation model. He supported the belief that people behave like intuitive scientists. MacArthur (1972, as cited in Buchanan et al. , p. 4) tested this theory in her studies, she wanted to test the effect of different types and level of information on the nature of causal attributions. She used 16 vignettes, a short description of a behaviour event that contained different types of the three variables, CCD. They then assigned an internal or external cause to the event. The results were supportive of MacArthurs theory and imply that we tend to favour internal rather than external attributions, the FAE (fundamental attribution error). However, it has been proven that people do not use always use all the information available to them. This shows that the way people view risk is not particularly logical, people overlook risk and when comparing people to experts, people do not usually conceptualise risks as well as experts Vignettes are easy to use and provide much needed data and from a large number of participants which is likely to produce more accurate results. The kind of control applied in this study would not have been able to take place if it took place in real life. However they do have low ecological validity because of this very reason, it is still constructed. Attribution theories have also been criticised for overstating the rationality of peoples causal reasoning. When considering the idea of people as intuitive scientists it is important to understand that people can tend to be more optimistic about risk than statistics warrant. This results in optimistic bias. For example, irrespective of empirical evidence, some people think smoking wont harm them. Some people know that they are likely to become ill from it and still continue because the immediate gain overcomes any alternative, albeit potentially deadly. This may be as a result of a motivational source which can result in judgemental biases. There are several explanations for this optimistic bias. The availability heuristic, which involves making decisions based on generating examples in peoples cognitive system, perhaps someone they know who has smoked constantly for 60 years has other any side effects. These are good examples to use when deciphering whether people are intuitive scientists and can make rational and logical judgements because the risk of smoking can be estimated using mathematics. The amount of people that still smoke however is a strong argument that people may be intuitive scientists but the concept of making rational, logical decisions can still be lost if alternative factors get in the way, like smoking or HIV. When people have to make decisions quickly, they often unconsciously rely on incomplete information as a result of the environment in which the social cognition takes place, rather than just the basic cognitive processes, this could account for people rejecting the possibility of HIV leading to death, perhaps because the information they have in incomplete. The fact that people have survived despite this however goes some way to suggest that although peoples cognitive processes do not always lead them to the mathematically correct answer, perhaps that element of risk, optimistic bias and inquisitiveness has prolonged peoples evolution so far. The studies involving optimistic bias and indeed many studies involving how people conceptualise risk however, have been conducted in largely Western cultures and having found previous contradictions between studies in Western cultures, (which tend to focus largely on the individual rather than the social group, as is more popular in many Asian cultures), these theories may not apply to the majority of people and therefore more research entailing diverse cultures would build a more successful conclusion as to why optimistic bias occurs. One reason could be evolution, natural selection could have resulted in humans having evolved with optimistic bias meaning that the people who took the risks were more sexually successful. Another reason for this could that in the urgency of everyday life, people do not use all the information available. One could argue that as we do not process everything we see, we connect the dots based on our rational judgement. The people in many of these experiments drew from their own conclusions and upon their own schema which could be wrong. This kind of error highlights one of the disadvantages of people drawing from their own logical and rational theories. Although it is important to note that the above examples are experiments and the situations are unlikely to occur in everyday life, however research has also shown our schema is highly tuned and usually correct. Both cognitive psychology and experimental social psychology initiate ideas of people thinking in machine ways, operating like scientists but the studies have shown otherwise. Perhaps logical and rational ideas are ideologies and are not appropriate in the context of our own social environments. People, in general tend to perceive events as being more under their own control than they perhaps are, it is clear from these studies that people can sometimes become more optimistic when is comes to risks when comparing the true scientific statistics. From the research into varying theories it appears that the majority of people are intuitive scientists, that to a certain extent people do use logical and rational theories to make sense of their social environment, however these are not always successful. As the evidence of several theories suggests, intuition in people is not always correct. Mistakes are bound to be made, especially when motivation factors overcomes logic and experience and imagination interferes with the process. If people have survived thus far using their own rational and logical judgements than anything further may be seen as striving for improvement, where one could argue, it is unnecessary. Word count 1,503 References K. Buchanan, P. Anand, H. Joffe ; K. Thomas (2007) Perceiving and understanding the social world. In D. Miell, A. Phoenix, ; K. Thomas (Eds. ), Mapping Psychology (2nd ed. , pp. 5-49). Milton Keynes: The Open University

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Main problem of House of Lords

Main problem of House of Lords The cure for admiring the House of Lords was to go and look at it[1] recalled Walter Bagehot in 1867. The problems associated with the upper house have undergone three periods of reform since that time, with regard to both its powers and its composition. The two are, of course, interconnected but composition is perhaps the more fundamental of the two, since the composition of the Lords, and therefore its perceived degree of democratic legitimacy, largely determines the power it should legitimately wield. One therefore needs to examine the problems created by the current composition of the Lords, and to evaluate whether there exists a more preferable alternative to the status quo. Yet in order to do that, it is necessary to determine what role the House of Lords should fulfil in the political process. The role of the second chamber in a bicameral legislature varies from country to country, but in the UK the House of Lords should seek to fulfil three separate constitutional functions. Firstly, it should act as a delaying device on government legislation. This is not to say it should always seek to amend, or even reject, proposals that arrive from the lower house, but rather it should simply offer an opportunity of time for the public to become aware of the proposals and their consequences, as well as permitting various interest groups the time to reflect and to mobilise their lobbies in response to any objections they might seek to raise. Lastly, as Archer argues succinctly, such a delaying function as fulfilled by the Lords protects the law from an ephemeral rush to judgement in response to a particular dramatic event[2]. The second role that the House of Lords should undertake is to scrutinise government legislative proposals in more detail than is currently achieved by the House of Commons or its standing committees. Evidence suggests that such standing committees are sparsely attended and frequently omit large sections of a given bill from detailed examination[3], and therefore the Lords fulfil a vital role in ensuring that the legislative program is thoroughly examined. As a result of the Life Peerages Act of 1957, it is now not unreasonable to argue that the Lords is more abundantly equipped with technical expertise than the lower chamber and, as such, bills may be improved by revision. This is particularly necessary where proposals have been subjected in the Commons to amendments drafted in haste by government ministers, in response to criticisms and compromises from both MPs and outside interest groups. This charge of rapidly imposing an ill-thought-out legislative agenda is one that is frequen tly levelled at the New Labour government, whose ambitions have led to an unprecedented number of new bills being forced through Parliament across different parliamentary sessions. Finally, the upper chamber must seek to protect those constitutional principles which are fundamental to our democracy. The Parliament Act of 1911 removed the absolute veto over legislation which the Lords had previously enjoyed, entirely deprived the Lords of its powers over any bill certified by the Speaker as a money bill and introduced the idea of a suspensory veto whereby any law passed in three (later two post 1949) successive sessions would receive Royal Assent regardless of Lords objections. Yet the Lords continue to retain certain absolute powers. Perhaps most importantly, it remains able to reject any bills proposing to extend the life of Parliament beyond the statutory five years. In addition to this fundamental right, the House of Lords consent is required by a government seeking the dismissal of a High Court judge, Appeal Court judge or a judge of the new Supreme Court. The upper chamber thus offers some protection against a government seeking to subvert either the elect oral or the judicial process. This function of constitutional protection, although limited, is nevertheless of great importance, since Britain lacks a codified constitution guaranteeing regular elections and the independence of the judiciary. Without the House of Lords therefore, there would be a dangerous gap in the political system; it is the only body which can prevent a transient majority in the House of Commons from extending its own life or dismissing a judge whom the government finds inconvenient. In order to fulfil these roles effectively, Alexandra Kelso[4] argues that any upper chamber in a liberal democracy must be considered legitimate. In order to be legitimate, she argues that the chamber must have input legitimacy, and output legitimacy. The former stems from the control exercised by the public in determining [the chambers] nature and composition, while the latter concerns the degree to which the institution performs its particular functions within the broader political system and meets the needs of the public (ie, those requirements detailed in the three roles listed previously). Clearly, the House of Lords in its present state, having undergone the reforms of 1999, suffers from input illegitimacy. Despite the removal of the vast majority of hereditary peers, that 92 still retain their seats in the upper chamber must strike any impartial observer as an anomaly; no modern day parliamentary system can claim democratic legitimacy at a time when members of the legislature owe their positions to an accident of birth. There are arguments proposed in their defence which insist that by virtue of their entrenched positions, they are less likely to be affected by short-term political decisions and as such can propose solutions which are of benefit to the country in the long term. Yet such problems are already resolved by the Life Peerages Act of 1957, which allowed government to nominate life peers who would be as equally unaffected by such short-term thinking. Hereditary peers were evidently aware of their limited legitimacy in objecting to legislation emanating from a democratically elected chamber, for the frequency of rebellion against the commons prior to 1999 was relatively low. However, since their removal, the propensity of the upper chamber to reject both bills and amendments has markedly increased, as the newly reformed house clearly now sees itself as more democratically legitimate. According to the Constitution Unit at University College, Lond on, the Lords rejected clauses put forward by the commons a total of more than 350 times in between 1999 and 2007[5]. Furthermore, a vote to oppose government legislation cannot be carried by one party alone anymore in the way that it could when the Conservatives enjoyed a majority in the Lords; the upper houses verdicts nowadays, therefore, carry more weight. Around 40% of the defeats that the government has suffered since 1999 have been accepted by the government[6]. Further input illegitimacy could also be argued to be evident in the right of Church of England officials to sit in the Lords. The objection is straightforward: why should the claim of the church to representation be greater than that of any other interest group? In an increasingly secular age, it is persuasive to argue that no religious group should be entitled to such representation. Alternatively, were one to reject such secular reasoning, then one must accept that provision should also be made for the representation of other churches and religions. How, then, to solve the problem of input illegitimacy? The Royal Commission on Reform for the House of Lords was required, by its terms of reference, to have regard to the need to maintain the position of the House of Commons as the pre-eminent chamber of Parliament'[7]. This essay wholeheartedly agrees with this principle, but in so doing seeks to argue that as a direct result of this term of reference, the upper chamber cannot include any representatives that are directly elected. This does not necessarily compromise Kelsos input legitimacy requirement however, providing that one were to accept that representatives are still democratically legitimate even if not elected directly. If the upper house were to be 100% appointed by party leaders and the crossbench peers by the Independent Appointments Commission, the make-up of which lies in the hands of democratically elected leaders in the House of Commons, then input legitimacy could be maintained. The principle that no party should gain an overall majority should also be retained. Furthermore, peers that were appointed for the express purpose of fulfilling a government role, such as Lord Adonis or Lord Sugar, should relinquish their seats in the upper house when their services are no longer required in the role for which they were appointed. Should they feel that they are able to offer further service to Parliament, they could request their names be put forward for a more permanent position by the party leaders, or else hope to be nominated by the Appointments Commission. It is of course tempting to argue for an elected element to the upper chamber, but one quickly falls into the traps illustrated by Bogdanor[8]: briefly, a fully or majority elected chamber risks being more legitimate than the House of Commons, both as a result of the electoral system used, the terms of representation and timing of an election; furthermore, such a chamber would also suffer from the lack of technical expertise that so helps the current House of Lords hold the Commons and government legislation to account; a minority elected chamber risks subsiding into a two-tier chamber, whereby it might be felt that democratically elected representatives have a higher degree of legitimacy than their appointed counterparts. This essay maintains therefore that the only attractive option for House of Lords reform is to maintain a 100% appointed chamber, while removing any remaining hereditary peers, as well as those representing the Church of England, from the chamber. Having made a proposition as to the most preferable composition of the Lords, and argued that it confers to Kelsos definition of input legitimacy, one must proceed to output legitimacy, and examine the case for reform with regard to the powers of the upper house. In order to justify reform from the status quo, one must persuasively argue that an upper chamber formed along the lines outlined above either would not have sufficient power to fulfil the roles expected of it, or else so much power as to lead to a danger of the Lords becoming more powerful than the Commons. The reformed, more-legitimate Lords would be able to continue to delay legislation, although it is important that its powers remain limited to a suspensory veto. The directly elected house must never be perpetually constrained by one which is not directly elected. Secondly, a house which is 100% appointed, with a greater number of cross-bench peers, would be able to fulfil the second function, scrutiny of government legi slation, to a higher standard than before. Given that the suspensory veto would be maintained, this too is a positive step which would not grant the Lords undue power. Finally, providing that the current absolute rights of the Lords are maintained, the upper chamber would be able to continue to fulfil its final constitutional role. Output legitimacy is maintained. The composition of the upper house will always have a direct result on the legitimate use of its powers. The current House of Lords lacks input legitimacy as a result of the continued presence of both hereditary peers and representatives of the Church of England. Furthermore, the gift of a life peerage allows recipients to act largely with impunity, while the House is also in danger of becoming a graveyard of ex-government employees. The introduction of a term limit could solve the first problem, while forcing government ministers in the Lords to stand down following completion of their role could solve the second. By only slightly amending the Lords composition, then, one can confer input legitimacy House of Lords, which would in turn make the use of the powers of the House, already sufficient for the completion of its constitutional duties, both more effective and more legitimate. Lords Save Us, The Economist, 2002 P Archer, The House of Lords, Past, Present Future, Political Quarterly 1999 P Dorey, 1949, 1969, 1999: The Labour Party and the House of Lords Reform, Parliamentary Affairs 2006 A Kelso, Reforming the House of Lords, Parliamentary Affairs 2006 House of Lords: post-reform, Constitution Unit, University College London, 2007 V Bogdanor, The New British Constitution, 2009 A House for the Future: Report from the Royal Commission on Reform of the House of Lords, HMSO, 2000 V Bogdanor, Reform of the House of Lords: A Sceptical View, Political Quarterly 1999.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Essay --

The term 'branding' in modern marketing is generally originated in the agricultural practices of the medieval age. The farmers 'branded' their animals with the iron and then they were able to identify to whom a particular animal belonged. Artisans 'branded' their products, for example, expensive silver tableware. Smiths 'branded' their swords. The role of the brand is to identify products by the same way as for medieval farmers and for modern corporations as well. Every company seeks to create its own brand - a unique and effective image. Purpose of brand is attracting and retaining customers in its market share. Branding in marketing is a complex technology, aimed at making advantageous position a brand from the competition. Facilitating the search for the necessary goods to the buyer, branding in marketing becomes more effective if the consumer product features meet market requirements. It is especially necessary to identify the goods, for a case of unprepared buyer which can not assess the competitive characteristics (for example, high-tech products). The development of technology has had a huge impact on human society. It is reflected in the fact that we are surrounded by complex technical devices that we use every day and sometimes we have no idea of how this thing is located within. Here the brand comes to help the consumer that stands out from all those product characteristics that are important to the consumer and facilitates the unde rstanding of the product. The second problem was solved by the brand is a simplification of choice. Every day consumer is faced with many similar products, and he just physically does not have time to compare all the annotations, the percentage composition, indications and specifications (f... ...ll one advantage and this is petrol stations. The Tesco â€Å"Clare Hall† has a petrol station and prices there are always lower than usual. The ability of the management in positioning and establishing the product is a success in any company that operates for marketing and profit acquisition. Furthermore, the ability of the company and its management to complete and maintain a competitive edge among its competitor throughout the product differentiation is another basis to say that is successful. Also, innovation and the constant development on the product lines and the growing number of customers also define the corporate standing of a company. Effective branding strategy and strong brand name are an important part of the profitable business. But, all the strategies and all marketing theories can be worth nothing without the compliance of the desires of consumers.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

hit and run :: essays research papers

It’s like I’m dead. But I’m not, I guess I’m just dead to my surroundings or everyone is just trying to make me feel that way. I walk through the crowed halls at my school, no one turns a head, no one smiles, it’s like I’m walking through a bunch of ghosts, or am I really the ghost? There are so many questions that I try to answer in the back of my head while I’m taking these steps to home room. Everyone usually feels sorry for the person who has no friends or is considered a freak. Not in my case, no one ever talks to me, so I never talk to them. I am what you would consider a nobody, a freak, a loner. Yet really I’m none of those, because no one even knows my name. People call it the New Year, a new year to change things you don’t like about yourself. Yet it’s really hard for me to do that, because I don’t even think I know myself. All I know is that I go to school get good grades, except in math, run cross country, go home, wash my hands, do my homework, and lay in bed, I never actually fall asleep. My parents say I have a problem, a mental one. I say it’s because I’m related to them. They’ll never understand me, and I’ll never understand them, that’s just the way it’s going to be. They have to deal with it, even if they say they can’t. JANUARY 2, 2007 I’m hesitating. I can’t feel a thing. I took something this morning. I can’t tell a soul, even though there is no one to tell. I look down the hall to first period. Seems like there’s three miles between me and the door, like I’m running a race. Breath I tell myself, just breath, stop thinking, just breath. I’ve made it, to my destination, if you call it a destination in itself. The school day is such a blur to me, nothing merely interesting. Same thing everyday, no one speaks to me, no one looks at me, nothing. My eyes hurt; I’m staring too hard at something, or someone in that matter. The only good thing about being ignored is that you can do stuff and people won’t notice but if you were normal, people would notice in a minute.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Womens Social Status in the World :: Gender Female Women Woman

[Introduction] Women's status is a complex issue and a hard-to-define subject. Around the world, women's status in each society and culture varies in different ways. In some societies, women's status improved gradually, while in other, it declined or remained unchanged. What affects women's status in a society? In what kind(s) of society, /is women's status /is/ among the highest? And why? My research paper will focus on the relationship between women's status and the degree of stratification and wealth of a society. [Hypotheses] Measurement of women's status: First of all, I realized that there is no standard on how people define and judge women's status in a society. In my point of view, one of the judgements /that could be used for women's status is the "opinion of people/," which includes two areas - society and family. That is, how the public views females and how parents' treatment of the daughter compares to that of the son. (See group III for related variables used.) This group of variables is going to be compared with other groups of variables in different areas to test my hypotheses. Besides, there are another two groups of variables related to women's status that are selected to be used in the paper. (See group V and group VI.) Factors that affect women's status: First, a woman's ability to survive, that is, what I refer to as financial independence for women nowadays, would affect women's status in most societies. I believe it is more likely that people would have more respect /for/on/ productive persons than /for/independen/ce/ts/WHY? in most cultures. Therefore, I suppose women's contribution to be one of the factors affecting women's status. Variables related to this topic are collected in group IV. Second, /in a society in which castes and/or slaves exist, that is, /in/ a non-egalitarian society, women are more likely to have a lower social status. My point is, /in such a case/if/ the public believe/s that human beings are not equal, and thus/,/ they classify people into different classes, socially or politically. Then speaking of genders, there must be a higher class as well. Would that be male or female? I suppose it to be male. The reason is that/,/ males are physically advantage/d/ous/ relative to females, and therefore, males are traditionally valued over females in many cultures. (Females could hardly talk about equal rights with males in jungles/[but look at the Mbuti of the Iruri forest for example-- doesnt it depend on the society?

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Ten Most Beautiful Experiments

Science in all of its forms and varieties has surpassed many events that have changed its path and the way many individuals view the art. The experiments behind the many concepts of science seem all together complicated and uninteresting when viewed with the naked eye. But, when the cloth is pulled away from the shun reality we truly see what a beautiful experiment is. In the eye of a scientist, beauty lies in the simplicity and ingenuity of the design, and the unambiguous result that opens a new world of understanding. In George Johnsons’ book, The Ten Most Beautiful Experiments, he explores the difficult experiments and explains them in the simplest form. This book establishes a state of wide-eyed wonder through white light split into a rainbow, locating pulse in our own neck, and allows us to peer through a microscope or fire up a Bunsen burner for the very first time. The ideas of many known figures such as Galileo, Newton, and Pavlov, as well as many unsung heroes such as Harvey, Galvani, Joule, and many more are explored in this simple yet enticing book. The first chapter describes Galileo’s studying motion by focusing on a ball experiment instead of the famed Galileo dropping things from the leaning tower of Pisa. In fact in this book Johnson believes that the whole phenomenon never happened and instead focuses on the science of the matter. Galileo carved a groove down the centre of a board about 20 feet long and 10 inches wide. Then he propped it at an angle and timed how quickly the balls rolled down the track. What he discovered was that the distance the ball travels is proportional to the square of the time that has elapsed. Along the ball's path, he placed cat-gut frets, like those on a lute. As the rolling ball clicked against the frets, Galileo sang a tune, using the upbeats to time the motion. This series of events allowed Galileo to show that heavier objects do not fall faster than light ones and to figure out the math for the acceleration of falling bodies. The second chapter describes how William Harvey showed that one form of blood circulates throughout the body, not two. How did an individual display such a complex finding, Harvey had the help of a snake. He needed to observer the flow of blood at a slower pace than many had tested before. Which gave him the idea to use a reptile since they have colder blood, which made its heart beat more leisurely Harvey sliced open a live snake and, while pinching its or main vein, watched as the heart into which it pumped blood grew paler and smaller. He then pinched the snake’s main artery and saw how obstructing the flow caused the heart to swell. When Harvey released the grip, the heart refilled and sprung back to life. Pinching the heart's main artery had the opposite effect where the space between heart and forceps became gorged with blood, inflating like a balloon. It was the heart, was the driving motor, pushing red blood to the extremities of the body. By completing his radical experiment Harvey proved that blood circulated an idea that was so far-fetched managed to overturn the assertion of Galen. In fact Galen had taught that the body contains two separate vascular systems. The first was a blue â€Å"vegetative† fluid, the elixir of nourishment and growth, coursed through the veins. The second was a bright red â€Å"vital† fluid travelled through the arteries, activating the muscles and stimulating motion. Invisible spirits, or â€Å"pneuma†, caused the fluids to slosh back and forth like the tides. The third chapter describes one of the most famed scientists of all time Sir Isaac Newton. He had many discoveries some relating to gravity, calculus, and light spectrums. Newton carefully reviewed what others before him had found and added some observations of his own. In Newton's day, Europe's great scientists believed that white light was pure and fundamental. When it bounced off a colored object or passed through a tinted liquid or glass, it became stained somehow with color. Newton cut a hole in his window shutter and held a prism in the path of the sun, spreading the light into a spectrum. Then he funneled the spectrum through a second prism. He allowed the colors to pass, one by one, through the second prism. Starting at the red end and progressing toward the blue, each color was bent a little more by the glass. Through this exercise Newton had discovered that light consisted of a heterogeneous mixture of different rays. The fourth chapter describes Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier who changed the theory of ash by discovering oxygen. In his experiment he took mercury and heated it in a closed beaker, to develop an almost closed system. Lavoisier heated this until a crust formed or calx which is a reddish color in mercury. After a few days of doing this when he wasn’t producing anymore of the calx, he skimmed it off and isolated it. He placed the isolated mercury in a flask and heated it until it started giving off a gas. He noted that it burned â€Å"with a dazzling splendor†. Calx was not metal without phlogiston, but metal combined with name oxygen. Left behind in the flask was a gas that extinguished flames, now called nitrogen. Lavoisier discovered the nature of oxidation and the chemical composition of the air. The fifth chapter and probably one of the most interesting was of Luigi Galvani the man who accidently discovered â€Å"animal electricity†. Galvani found, the frog's leg would move, seemingly of its own accord, as it hung from a hook, even in the clearest weather. His fellow citizen Volta was assured that electricity was produced by the touching of two different metals. In this case was the frog's leg had hung on a brass hook from an iron rail, virtually being non-biological. Volta confirmed that electricity can indeed come from two metals through his invention of the battery, while Galvani went on to show that there is electricity in the body. He took a dissected frog and nudged a severed nerve against another using a probe made of glass. No metal was involved, but when nerve touched nerve, the muscle contracted as if someone had closed a switch. The sixth chapter describes Michael Faraday who had performed a suite of experiments showing the linkage between electricity and magnetism. Throughout these experiments he invented the the electric motor and the dynamo. Using an Argand oil lamp, Faraday projected polarized light through a block of glass, alongside of which sat a powerful electromagnet. Holding a polarizing filter, called a Nicol prism, to his eye, he rotated it until the light was extinguished. Then he switched on the current. The image of the flame suddenly reappeared. He turned the magnet off and the flame disappeared. The magnetic field, he realized, was twisting the light beam – and if the polarity of the field was reversed, the light beam rotated the other way. Faraday had unified two more forces, demonstrating that light was actually a form of electromagnetism. The seventh chapter was on James Joule and how he discovered that heat was just not nay simple thing but a form of motion. Joule's effort to show that heat and work are related ways of converting energy into motion. This is probably why energy and work are measured in Joules. He took it upon himself to test the theory of caloric or invisible heat in which it will rise up the shaft until you can feel the warmth in the handle. According to this theory, the reason something gets hot when you rub it is because you abrade the surface and let some caloric out. However Joule tested this theory by a rigging of pulleys and weights, he spun a paddle wheel inside a vessel of water and carefully measured the change in temperature. The motion of the paddle made the water warmer, and the relationship was precise where raising one pound of the liquid by one degree took 772 foot-pounds of work. The eighth chapter discusses Albert Abraham Michelson and he set out to prove the existence of the aether. This substance was the fixed backdrop of the universe in which our planet swam as it moved through space. In his apparatus, two beams of light travelled in perpendicular directions. The beam moving upstream with the earth's orbit was slowed by the wind of the aether, while the other beam should be less affected. By comparing their velocities with an interferometer, Michelson would calculate the motion of the Earth, but the speed of the two beams was the same. With help from Edward Morley, Michelson made the measurements much more precisely. Still there was not a hint of aether. In fact, the experiment was a beautiful failure. The ninth chapter discussed man’s best friend thanks to Ivan Pavlov, who had shown how learning was a matter of creatures forming new connections in a living machine. Contrary to legend, Pavlov hardly ever used bells in his experiments with salivating dogs. He conditioned the animals to distinguish between objects rotating clockwise or counter-clockwise, between a circle and an ellipse, even between subtle shades of gray. First, a dog was trained to salivate when it heard an ascending scale, but not a descending one. The melodies were played and the spittle collected. Through simple conditioning, the dog had categorized the music it heard into two groups, depending on whether the pitches were predominantly rising or falling. The mind had lost a bit of its mystery, The tenth chapter or final experiment was on Robert Millikan and how he showed that charge, came in discrete quantities. Millikan's used two round brass plates, with the top one having a hole drilled through the centre. Both plates were mounted on a stand and illuminated from the side by a bright light. The plates were then connected to a 1,000-volt battery. With a perfume atomizer, Millikan sprayed a mist of oil above the apparatus and watched through a telescope as some of the droplets fell into the area between the plates. As he jerked the voltage, he watched as some drops were pushed slowly upward while others were pulled down. Their passage through the atomizer had ionized them, giving the drops negative or positive charges. Thus resulting in what we now call electrons. Johnson's book makes one wonder whether contemporary science might benefit from a bit of the passion and poverty that helped shape these ten beautiful experiments. One might even ask why these and why not include women. Johnson did not play favorites in fact he even mentioned how at one point after publishing the book he had second guessed himself but either way the book accomplished one thing of any. It accomplished in teaching me how the things that I take a mere facts were the hard work of trial and error of many individuals. Such as Harvey for example who proved that blood circulates in one form throughout the body. Something that I just take as a given and don’t consider the amount of work needed to formulate this conclusion. Johnson put it in such a simple context that appreciating the work was truly beautiful.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Barraging Dos Information System

Its concern is to store, retrieve, organize, and update the residents' record. It will lessen the papers they handle and they can process the requirements needed by the residents of their Barraging in the shortest time. It was also developed to reduce the hard and long-time procedure of accessing files and records they keep. This will also avoid duplication of data. All information about the Barraging residents will be recorded in the database to lessen the paper works and to reduce the work of the employees.The system will be effective in maintaining, searching ND storing records of all residents In the barraging. Implementing the Barraging Information System in their Barraging will eliminate the manual process Of transactions they usually do. TO use the System, the user should have knowledge in using the computer which is very important. The study focused on how to compile all the information using this system which will clearly update and edit the information without any further m istake.Project Schedule It Describes a listing of a project's milestones, activities, and deliverables, usually with intended start and finish dates. Those items are often estimated in terms of resource allocation, budget and duration, linked by dependencies and scheduled events. Define project specification a. Find and identify Barraging b. Preliminary Barraging interview c. Data gathering and feasibility study d. Identifying requirements e. Final Barraging interview f.Generate project Proposal 190 II. System analysis and design a. Determining Feasibility b. Review of Existing System c. Data flow diagram Development d. Entity relationship diagram development e. Table relationship diagram development f. User interface development Figure 3 Task, Duration, and Dependency Table The table above shows the task and its duration and the dependencies of each that must flow in order. The group started the project on July 201 3 and he estimated date that the project will end is February 2014. Legend: A-Ezra Model B – Reined Molecular Nolan Decent C D – Marital Kananga PERSON RESPONSIBLE IV. Define project specification V. System analysis and design d. Entity relationship diagram development f. User interface development Table 4 Task, Duration, and Person Responsible The table above shows the task and its duration and the responsible for each developer during the project development for proposed Business Permits, Licensing and Treasury System for the Municipality of Stop. Tomato's Business Permits, Licensing and Treasury offices.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Civil Rights Movement Essay

The civil rights movement in the United States was a political, legal, and social struggle that was organized primarily by black Americans with some help from white America. The civil rights struggle was aimed at gaining full citizenship and racial equality for all Americans, particularly the most discriminated group, African Americans, and was first and foremost a challenge to segregation. Segregation was deeply embedded in the South and was used to control blacks since the reconstruction of the South following the American Civil War. During the civil rights movement, individuals and organizations challenged segregation and discrimination by using a number of methods that included protests, marches, boycotts, and refusing segregation laws. Most historians agree that the civil rights movement began with either the Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 or the Montgomery bus boycott in 1955 and ended with the Voting Rights Act of 1965; however, there is a lot of debate on when it began a nd ended. There were civil rights issues well into the 1980s. The main tool of discrimination against blacks in the United States was segregation, often called the Jim Crow system. Segregation became common in the South after the Reconstruction when the Democratic Party had gained control of the South and started to reverse black advances made during reconstruction. Jim Crow laws emerged and effectively segregated every aspect of life for blacks in the South. This segregation included, but was not limited to, separate schools, transportation, restaurants, and parks, many of which were inferior to white establishments. In theory, the black and white establishments were to be equal. The denial of voting rights, known as disfranchisement, is how the South controlled segregation. Between 1890 and 1910 virtually all the Southern states passed laws imposing requirements for voting that kept the black voter out. Some of these requirements included, the ability to read and write, property ownership, and paying poll taxes; all these tactics were in direct violation of the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution. Blacks were virtually powerless, because they could not vote there was nothing they could do to prevent the segregation of the South. Conditions in the North were slightly better, blacks could vote but there were so few blacks in the North before World War II that their votes barely counted, furthermore, even though segregated facilities in the North did not exist legally, most blacks were denied access to the more affluent facilities. There were civil rights movements prior to the 1960s. The National Afro-American League was formed in 1890 followed by the Niagara Movement in 1905, and then the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded in 1909, the NAACP was to have a great impact on the civil rights movement of the 1960s and still continues to exist today. The NAACP became one of the most important organizations that championed civil rights in the twentieth century and relied on a legal strategy that challenged segregation and discrimination against blacks by using the American legal system. There were many cases that the NAACP fought in court that set the precedence for the legal battles during the civil rights movement that would take place twenty to thirty years later. Although the legal battles fought by the NAACP in the 1920s and 1930s did little to change discrimination against blacks they did lay the foundation for a legal and social challenge to the system the South had built. After two world wars and a nationwide depression the civil rights movement that most Americans are familiar with began to emerge. The great depression which devastated the United States in the late 1920s caused a migration of black Americans from the South to other parts of the country, this migration exposed many of them to different views on segregation and discrimination, many of these blacks from the South became the civil rights activist of the 1960s. World War II also caused migrations of large number of blacks within the United States as many blacks found themselves moving up the social ladder as they took over war essential factory jobs. On the other hand, the return of black soldiers that had a new outlook on social and racial equality in the United States most likely was one of the biggest factors that caused the civil rights movements of the 1960s. Not just black Americans were affected by these events; there were many white Americans, even in the South that felt a change was needed. One such white southerner, Harold Fleming wrote: It wasn’t that I came to love Negroes; it was that I came to despise the system that did this. I mean, the nearest thing you could be in the army to being black was to be a company officer with black troops, because you lived and operated under the same circumstances they did, and they got crapped all over . . . You were sort of a second-class officer or a second-class white because of your assignment. Fleming was a conventional white southerner born in Atlanta, Georgia, after he became involved in civil rights issues and according to Fleming, many of his white southern contemporaries would say, â€Å"You ought to know better, being a native-born Georgia white.† With all these factors in place, the civil rights movement in America emerged around the mid 1950s. On 17 May 1954, after hearing arguments on five cases that challenged elementary and secondary school segregation, the United States Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling in Brown v. Board of Education that stated racially segregated education was unconstitutional. Although this was an historic ruling that essentially voided the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling of 1896 that established the separate but equal doctrine which was so prevalent in the South. The fundamental problem with the Brown v. Education was that the U.S. Supreme Court did not have a plan to enforce this ruling. The ruling stated that the school cases were class actions and that left the states with the enforcement of this ruling, the court wrote, â€Å"because of the wide applicability of this decision, and because of the great variety of local conditions, the formulation of decrees in these cases presents problems of considerable complexity.† At first white Southerners received this ruling with shock, however, by 1955 white opposition had grown into a massive resistance with organizations like the White Citizens Council; this council called for the economic coercion of blacks and whites who favored integrated schools. Schools in the South remained desegregated; this desegregation became a national issue when the governor of Arkansas, Orval Faubus openly defied a federal court order to admit nine black students to a Little Rock high school on 2 September 1957. The media dramatized the seriousness of desegregation by showing the nation pictures of an American high school being patrolled by federal troops so that black students could be protected from angry white mobs. The civil rights movement quickly moved beyond school desegregation to challenge other unjust institutions in the South. It was Rosa Parks, a member of the Montgomery, Alabama NAACP, who refused to give up her seat to a white person on 1 December 1955; the Montgomery bus boycott that brought the city of Montgomery, Alabama to its knees had begun. Parks was arrested and the black community leaders rallied local blacks to protest segregated buses; this local protest evolved into a national boycott that involved support of over 50,000 blacks and lasted over a year and showed the American public the determination of the blacks to end segregation. During the Montgomery bus boycott the most influential civil rights leader emerged; Martin Luther King, Jr. of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) became, undeniably, the most important figure throughout the civil rights movement. It was King who seemed to have a master plan for the boycott, he emphasized keeping the struggle within the law and advocated nonviolence to achieve the goals of the civil rights movement. During the Montgomery bus boycott, King stated: We are not asking for an end to segregation, that’s a matter for the legislature and the courts. We feel that we have a plan within the law. All we are seeking is justice and fair treatment . . . We don’t like the idea of Negroes having to stand when there are vacant seats. We are demanding justice on that point. King’s and other black leaders along with the protestors of the Montgomery bus boycott hard work eventually paid off, in November 1956, a federal court ordered that Montgomery’s buses desegregate. The Montgomery bus boycott was one of the milestones of the civil rights movement because it established a national civil rights movement that recognized King as the leader and showed that nonviolent protest would work. Four black college students from North Carolina A & T University sat at a white only lunch counter on 1 February 1960 in Greensboro, North Carolina to protest racial segregation; within weeks, these student â€Å"sit-ins† had spread across the South to many cities as a form of protest. In April 1960, The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) was founded to help organize and direct the student â€Å"sit-in† movement; SNCC would eventually move into other areas of the civil rights movement. Because SNCC focused on making changes at the local level rather than the national level, many of the accomplishments of this organization did not become nationally known. The â€Å"sit-ins† did make the national news media and it was the New York Times that brought it to a national level. The New York Times published an article that interviewed the store superintendent and the students, the article also told of how white teenagers and Ku Klux Klan (KKK) members tried to bar the way on the fifth day of the Greensboro â€Å"sit-in.† It was the well spoken black student Ezall Blair who told the newspaper on the second day that the students had been â€Å"complacent and fearful† the previous day and that they decided that morning that is was time for black students to â€Å"wake up and change the situation.† By November 1960, one hundred and fifty-five communities across the South had television crews that were filming the demonstrations and the injustice that the students faced, white America, through the use of the mass media was seeing the same scenes over and over and for the first time witnessed segregation in the South; the scenes shown were of students patiently waiting to get served, angry white hecklers, and carloads of students being taken to jail by police. White students joined in, and in the North, many students boycotted the larger stores in the North that had lunch counters in the South, such as Woolworths. The culmination of the â€Å"sit-ins† occurred in Nashville, Tennessee, when, surprisingly, an unlikely ally emerged for the â€Å"sit-ins.† The mayor of Nashville, Ben West, announced that lunch counters in Nashville would not be segregated. When asked why he made that decision, West replied, â€Å"I could not agree that it was morally right for someone to sell them merchandise and refuse them service . . . It was a moral question that a man has to answer, and not a politician.† The â€Å"sit-ins† clearly demonstrated to America that young blacks and whites were determined to reject segregation openly and together. After the â€Å"sit-ins† many of the SNCC members began to participate in freedom rides that started in the summer of 1961, these â€Å"Freedom Riders,† both black and white, traveled the south in buses to test a 1960 Supreme Court decision that stated segregation was illegal in bus stations that were open to interstate travel. These freedom rides were organized by the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and started in Washington, D.C., as the buses moved south more violence was directed towards them. This violence peaked when in Birmingham and Montgomery, Alabama, buses were burned and the riders beaten. As a result of the freedom rides, the Attorney General’s Office realized that the Supreme Court decision in the Boynton v. Virginia was not enough to end discrimination on the Interstates and bus stations. In November 1963, the Interstate Commerce Commission and the administration of President John Kennedy intervened and regulations were issued. By 1963, the Attorney General was able to say, â€Å"Systematic segregation of Negroes in interstate transportation has disappeared.† While the freedom rides and â€Å"sit-ins† were happening, SCLC leaders, under the guidance of King, were planning a series of protest campaigns that would happen throughout Southern cities, these campaigns were to be highly publicized and were to break the barriers of age, social status, and race. The demonstrations were to be against racial injustice and required the mobilization of thousands of peaceful demonstrators, both black and white, who were willing to participate in protest marches as long as necessary and who were also willing to be arrested and go to jail to achieve their goals. The first direct action protest took place in the spring of 1961 at Albany, Georgia. The presence of King and other SCLC leaders escalated the Albany protests by bringing national attention to Albany, however, after months of protests the police continued to jail protestors without a show of police violence and the protests ended in failure. The protests continued across the South with see mingly little success. In the spring of 1963, SCLC’s direct action protests finally saw success; sadly, this success was at the expense of many protesters of whom some were elementary age school children. After mass demonstrations had been conducted for several days in Birmingham, Alabama, SCLC begin to send children in to the protests, some of them as young as six. The Birmingham police chief, Eugene Connor, jailed thousands of them and provoked the outrage of parents and caused the media to give undivided attention to the Birmingham protest, this is what King needed to be successful. The next day more children marched and Connor reacted with violence; photographs of high pressure fire hoses and police dog attacks released on peaceful demonstrators appeared on national and international media, producing an international outcry. Eventually some protestors began to fight back and the state police were called in, King called for a twenty-four hour truce. The next day, On 9 May 1963, King announce an agreement with some white business leaders of Birmingham; they agreed to the desegregation of some public facilities within ninety days, progress in hiring and promotion, the release of arrested protestors, and a biracial committee. Birmingham mayor, Art Hanes called the white negotiators â€Å"a bunch of quisling, gutless traitors,† King stated that the settlement was â€Å"the most significant victory for justice we’ve ever seen in the Deep South.† The civil rights movement direct action marches, for the most part, ended with the march on Washington D.C. In August 1963, over 200,000 civil rights supporters conducted a peaceful march in Washington, D.C.; it was at this demonstration that King gave his famous â€Å"I Have a Dream Speech.† Because of this march, President Kennedy proposed a new civil rights law; after Kennedy was assassinated, President Lyndon B. Johnson pushed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 through Congress as a tribute to Kennedy. The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP), SNCC, SCLC, CORE, and NAACP all joined forces in 1964 to work towards establishing voter’s rights for blacks, particularly in the South. Voting rights issues have always been an objective of the civil rights movement, in fact, after the â€Å"sit-ins† and freedom rides, SNCC focused most of their attention on establishing voter’s rights and educating blacks on how to vote. It was most likely the combination of a series of deaths of civil rights workers in the South, and the MFDPs arrival at the Democratic National Convention of 1964 that caused all the different civil rights organizations to work together towards voting rights; It may also have been that simply voter’s rights was the last major obstacle to overcome. It was on 22 August 1964, during the Democratic National Convention, that MFDP member Fannie Lou Hamer, who was from a Mississippi sharecropper family, addressed the nation on national television. Hamer’s sincere and articulate speech made supporters for black voting rights all over the nation. President Johnson, who did not support the MFDP, tried to detract attention from Hamer by conducted a last minute press conference on national television as Hamer was giving her testimony; his ploy did not work. President Johnson recognized the support Hamer was getting and was willing to compromise and recognized the predominately black MFDP. It was the Selma, Alabama march on 7 March 1965 that was the final event to cause the Voting Rights Act of 1965 to happen. SCLC employed direct action techniques in a voting rights protest initiated by SNCC in Selma, when these protest were unsuccessful the protesters began a march to Montgomery, Alabama. As the marchers were leaving Selma, mounted police used tear gas and batons to beat down marchers and others who were not part of the march, this became known as â€Å"Bloody Sunday.† Because the march was televised, the violence shocked many Americans and caused a much-needed national support for a law to protect the Southern blacks’ right to vote. On 15 March 1965, President Johnson announced that he would send a voting rights bill to Congress. In a televised address to a joint session, Johnson spoke on racial injustices and stated, â€Å"Their cause must be our cause, too. Because it’s not just Negroes, but really it’s all of us, who must overcome the crippling legacy of bigo! try and injustice,† then he shocked the nation by saying, â€Å"And we shall overcome.† Two days later a voting rights bill went to Congress. On 6 August 1965, President Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the civil rights movement, according to most historians, ended. Bibliography: Albert, Peter J. and Hoffman, Ronald, eds., We Shall Overcome: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Black Freedom Struggle. New York: Pantheon Books, 1990.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Chemistry Lab Report on standardization of acid and bases Essay

Purpose: To prepare standardize solution of sodium hydroxide and to determine the concentration of unknown sulfuric acid solution. Data and Calculations: This experiment is divided into two parts (Part A and Part B). In the first part of experiment, the standardize solution of sodium hydroxide is prepared by titrating it with base Potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP). The indicator Phenolphthalein is used to determine that whether titration is complete or not. PART A: Standardization of a Sodium Hydroxide solution NaOH Sample Code = O Trial 1 Mass of KHP transferred = 0.42 g Volume of Distilled water = 25 mL Volume of NaOH used = 22.50 mL Molar mass of KHP = 204.22 g/mol No. of moles of KHP = Mass of KHP used / Molar mass = 0.42 g / 204.22 g/mol = 0.0021 moles Concentration of NaOH = No. of moles / Volume = [0.0021 mol / {(22.50 + 25) / 1000} L] * 100 = 4.4 M Trial 2 Mass of KHP transferred = 0.4139 g Volume of Distilled water = 25 mL Volume of NaOH used = 22.80 mL Molar mass of KHP = 204.22 g/mol No. of moles of KHP = Mass of KHP used / Molar mass = 0.4139 g / 204.22 g/mol = 0.0020267 moles Concentration of NaOH = No. of moles / Volume = [0.0020267 mol / {(22.80 + 25) / 1000} L] * 100 = 4.24 M Trial 3 Mass of KHP transferred = 0.4239 g Volume of Distilled water = 25 mL Volume of NaOH used = 23.10 mL Molar mass of KHP = 204.22 g/mol No. of moles of KHP = Mass of KHP used / Molar mass = 0.4239 g / 204.22 g/mol = 0.0020757 moles Concentratio n of NaOH = No. of moles / Volume = [0.0020757 mol / {(23.10 + 25) / 1000} L] * 100 = 4.32 M Trial 4 Mass of KHP transferred = 0.4311 g Volume of Distilled water = 25 mL Volume of NaOH used = 22.60 mL Molar mass of KHP = 204.22 g/mol No. of moles of KHP = Mass of KHP used / Molar mass = 0.4311 g / 204.22 g/mol = 0.0021109 moles Concentration of NaOH = No. of moles / Volume = [0.0021109 mol / {(22.60 + 25) / 1000} L] * 100 = 4.43 M Table: Trail 1 Mass weighing bottle + KHP (g) Mass empty weighing bottle (g) Mass of KHP transferred (g) Initial volume of burette, Vi (mL) Final Volume of burette, Vf(mL) Volume of NaOH used (mL) Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 11.561 11.6217 11.6113 11.6329 11.1461 11.2078 11.1874 11.2018 0.4200 0.4139 0.4239 0.4311 4.30 6.30 10.1 33.20 26.80 29.10 33.20 55.80 22.50 22.80 23.10 22.60 Concentration of NaOH (moles/L) 4.4 4.24 4.32 Average concentration of NaOH = [4.4 M + 4.24 M + 4.32 M + 4.43 M] / 4 = 4.35 M 1. % Difference between Trial 1 and Trail 2 = [4.24 M / 4.4 M] * 100 % = 96.3 % Difference = (100 – 96.3) % = 3.7 % 2. % Difference between Trial 2 and Trail 3 = [4.24 M / 4.32 M] * 100 % = 98.1 % Difference = (100 – 98.1) % = 1.9 % 3. % Difference between Trial 3 and Trail 4 = [4.32 M / 4.43 M] * 100 % = 97.5 % Difference = (100 – 97.5) % = 2.5 % 4.43 Observations: KHP is white color crystals and has definite shape. NaOH is clear and transparent solution with no color. In the first trial, after adding 90 drops of NaOH solution there was repeatedly appearance and disappearance of light pink color. When the whole solution of KHP and water get titrated then, the color of solution becomes light pink and it stays permanently. The same color changes happen with the next three trials. Concentration of NaOH was almost similar for every trials. PART B: Concentration of Sulfuric Acid solution H2SO4 Sample Code = 34 Trial 1: Volume diluted acid = 25 mL Volume of NaOH used = 14.39 mL H2SO4 (aq) + 2NaOH (aq) 2H2O (l) + 2Na2SO4 (aq) Average concentration of NaOH = 4.35 M No. of moles of NaOH = (Average concentration of NaOH) * (Volume of NaOH used) = 4.35 M * (14.39 / 1000) L = 0.0626 moles No. of moles of H2SO4 = 0.0626 mol / 2 = 0.0313 moles Concentration of H2SO4 = No. of moles / (volume of diluted acid / 1000) = 0.0313 mol / (25 / 1000) L = 1.2 M Trial 2: Volume diluted acid = 25 mL Volume of NaOH used = 13.51 mL H2SO4 (aq) + 2NaOH (aq) 2H2O (l) + 2Na2SO4 (aq) Average concentration of NaOH = 4.35 M No. of moles of NaOH = (Average concentration of NaOH) * (Volume of NaOH used) = 4.35 M * (13.51 / 1000) L = 0.0588 moles No. of moles of H2SO4 = 0.0588 mol / 2 = 0.0294 moles Concentration of H2SO4 = No. of moles / (volume of diluted acid / 1000) = 0.0294 mol / (25 / 1000) L = 1.2 M Trial 3: Volume diluted acid = 25 mL Volume of NaOH used = 14.10 mL H2SO4 (aq) + 2NaOH (aq) 2H2O (l) + 2Na2SO4 (aq) Av erage concentration of NaOH = 4.35 M No. of moles of NaOH = (Average concentration of NaOH) * (Volume of NaOH used) = 4.35 M * (14.10 / 1000) L = 0.0613 moles No. of moles of H2SO4 = 0.0613 mol / 2 = 0.0307 moles Concentration of H2SO4 = No. of moles / (volume of diluted acid / 1000) = 0.0307 mol / (25 / 1000) L = 1.2 M Trial 4: Volume diluted acid = 25 mL Volume of NaOH used = 14.20 mL H2SO4 (aq) + 2NaOH (aq) 2H2O (l) + 2Na2SO4 (aq) Average concentration of NaOH = 4.35 M No. of moles of NaOH = (Average concentration of NaOH) * (Volume of NaOH used) = 4.35 M * (14.20 / 1000) L = 0.0618 moles No. of moles of H2SO4 = 0.0618 mol / 2 = 0.0309 moles Concentration of H2SO4 = No. of moles /  (volume of diluted acid / 1000) = 0.0309 mol / (25 / 1000) L = 1.2 M % Difference between Trail 1 and Trail 2 = [1.2 M / 1.2 M] * 100 % = 100 % Difference = (100 – 100) % =0% % Difference between Trail 1 and Trail 2 = [1.2 M / 1.2 M] * 100 % = 100 % Difference = (100 – 100) % =0% % Diff erence between Trail 1 and Trail 2 = [1.2 M / 1.2 M] * 100 % = 100 % Difference = (100 – 100) % =0% % Difference between Trail 1 and Trail 2 = [1.2 M / 1.2 M] * 100 % = 100 % Difference = (100 – 100) % =0% Table 2: Trail 1 Volume diluted acid titrated (mL) Initial Volume of burette, Vi (mL) Final Volume of burette, Vf (mL) Volume NaOH used (mL) Concentration Of Sulfuric Acid Trail 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 25 25 25 25 2.41 17.20 8.50 22.60 16.94 30.71 22.60 36.80 14.39 13.51 14.10 14.20 1.2 M 1.2 M 1.2 M 1.2 M Observations: The H2SO4 is colorless and transparent liquid. The NaOH solution is colorless, odorless and transparent liquid. While doing the first trail, there were continuous appearance and disappearance of light pink color. After adding 10 mL of NaOH solution the pink color starts appearing. At certain volume the light pink color appeared, indicating that titration is done. The indictor phenolphthalein has no color and there was no specific odor of reagent. Discussion: Average concentration of NaOH solution was 4.35 M. There are many sources of error in this experiment as we got some percentage differences in the two different trials. For the Trial 1 and Trial 2, the percentage difference is 3.7 % which is significant difference to be noted. This percentage difference could occur due to many reasons such as not measuring the KHP properly as we got 0.42 g for first trial and 0.4139 g for second trial of KHP for performing titration but it is more than required value as per literature value is concerned (0.40 g). The almost same percentagedifference occurs for next two trials (1.9 % and 2.5 %). The KHP is always 99.9 % pure, so the titration should give perfect results (Lab Manual). The other possible errors was due to the disturbance on the shelf by other students where analytical balance is placed in balance room, as it cause variability in the values in weight of KHP. In Part B of experiment, the average concentration of sulfuric was found to be 1.2 M and there was 100 % titration of both reagent (NaOH and H2SO4). This 100 % results comes due to significant figures, if significant figures would not be concerned then there would be error of 1.0 % to 2.0 % in every two trials. There was identical difference of volume of NaOH used to titrate the acid for each  trial due to some possible errors. The possible errors in this Part of experiment were same as for Part A, as the process is followed in the same way. The most significant error could occur by not shaking the flask properly while adding sodium hydroxide solution and not recognizing the pink color on the instant it appears and adding the NaOH solution vigorously into the sulfuric acid. Questions: The 10 mL volumetric pipette is rinse 2 or 5 times to make sure there is no bubble inside because air bubble can cause error in the measurement of concentration because the actual volume of unknown will be less. The accuracy and precision for both sets of experiment was almost same as there were percentage difference of concentrations lies only in 2 % to 4 %. The endpoints of titration for each set of trails in both cases (Part A and Part B) were almost same but there is little difference in volume of NaOH used which cause errors in accuracy and precision of experiment. Using the analytical balance is really careful job as it is most accurate weighing machine with accuracy of 0.0004 g (Lab Manual) and we need to be prà ©cised using the balance but some few disturbance can cause big error such as disturbance other students on the shelf it is placed on and not reading the balance properly and taking measurements fastly. Using Volumetric glassware is other method to be more accurate in experiment but there are some possible random error while reading the values such as not reading the lower meniscus of liquid cause error and not removing the air bubble from the burette and using the beaker in place graduated cylinder in case of volume as graduated cylinder is more accurate as compared to beaker (0.02 g) (Lab Manual). Sources of Experimental Error include: The Analytical balance could give wrong reading because of the disturbance due to other students on the shelf it is placed on. Also, taking the reading rapidly and not considering the reading when balance display gets steady. The possible error can occur using wrong glassware like using beaker instead of graduated cylinder. The error could occur while taking reading through graduated cylinder and not considering the lower meniscus of liquid. The air bubble in burette can cause error in the true value of NaOH used. Few drops of liquid remain in burette and volumetric pipette which causes the error. Not shaking the flask properly while adding the NaOH solution. Adding the NaOH solution vigorously into the flask. Not recognizing the pink color instantly as it appears.  Adding the more drops of indicator as needed (2 or 3 drops). The biggest error occur due to leaking of NaOH solution form burette, we lost 4 drops during every one trial and it cause the significant error in reading the volume of NaOH used. There is water left after washing the glass wares which can cause the error. This lab could be improved by improving the method of drying the graduated cylinder and beaker before filling it with the NaOH solution. The glassware could be dried by small amount of acetone. Any acetone could be removed by evaporation. Finally, the experimenter should remove the clinging droplets to the neck of burette and volumetric pipette by using Kim Wipe. Conclusion: After careful consideration of all the results and all the possible concentration, it is concluded that the average concentration of NaOH (sample code O) was 4.35 M and average concentration of H2SO4 (sample code 34) was 1.2 M.